Chapter: 6

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​​The house was quiet her eyes still haunting me, my stomach eating at my gut because I had met her for the first time. And made her sick, she looked a lot better before I had entered her life. 

​​I saw the paramedics pull of with her lifeless body,  I felt paranoid after that scene. I didn’t feel safe at Mile-wood. Knocks descended on the front door of the house I instantly freeze up. ‘Where those her parent’s?’ My thoughts were racing with concern and dread. I couldn’t bare it. 

​​I hesitate but after the second then third knock I bust open the door furious look on my face. 

​​A woman between her 30s had a bat and a very angry expression across her face, she swung but missed just in time. I slam the door in her face, her wails loud as she began beating the door with her bat. 

​​“Are you CRAZY!!”I shout over her yelling and banging, she doesn’t answer just keeps going. She soon gives up and leaves, as she walks away her face looks stain, and red from her tears. She connects her eyes with mine for about a minute turning shaking her head  as she walks back into her house.

​​‘Was that the chocolate eyed girls mom’ I thought to myself. It lingered in my mind for a minute then it slipped when I heard a yell a bang and thud then silence. Then another loud bang, this time didn’t come from the lady crazy next door. It was from my mom.

​​A rush down the stairs faster, afraid I’d collapse at the end because of how fast I was going, my lungs weren't the greatest because they aren’t as healthy as I want them to be. But I still see the sunlight everyday. Anyway I see my mom sprawled on the floor blood surrounding her body she had stab to her neck and stomach. I felt as if I was gonna puke. 

​​I hunch over her for another minute, then let out a ear shattering scream, neighbors open their doors and lights come on after my scream along with lights. I rush outside trying to catch my breath. My dad sitting hunched over the steps breathing hard, I shove him down the steps sending him sprawling on the concrete. He grunts trying to breath, a knife he was apprently holding was sticking out of his neck. I didn’t feel sorry for him. He’d already killed somebody I loved dearly. So I began walking away like nothing happen.

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