Lucas' Rants.

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It's Lucas, bitches(;

WARNING: Some content may offend you. I did warn you. 

This weeks topic is girls.

Today at my wonderful high-school, there was an assembly for Remebrance Day. This girl, cute but cocky, sang her original song. The song was okay but her oufit was NOT fit for this assembly. First of all, I'm not gay but for fucking sakes, her skirt was above mid thigh. Please show some respect bitch and not dress like a slut for this fucking assembly but who am I to complain?

I hate fake girls. Fake boobs, fake tans or fake anything. I don't like my girl looking like a fucking oompa loompa. There's another thing, ladies. Don't act dumb to get guys' attention, you just look stupid and easy. 

By the way, don't wear a lot of make-up. Nobody wants a girl who looks like a cake. Natural make-up is what every boy dreams because it's closer to your ORIGINAL look. 

Girls who have boyfriends. If you see a girl talking to your boyfriend don't jump into assumptions and fucking maul him like a fucking bear. I hate girls who get jealous when I talk to one of my friends who IS a girl. 

When a guy compliments you. TAKE IT. Don't deny it because it just makes us irritated. 


Guy: You look beautiful

Girl: No I don't! I look so ugly!

I HATE GIRLS LIKE THAT. It's hot when a girl is confident but not too confident. 


Guy: You look  beautiful

Girl: I know. That's why I have all the boys after me because I have HUGE TITS AND A NICE ASS.

Nobody likes cocky people. 

I really hate girls who say they play video games but they don't, they just want attention from the guys. It pisses me off when girls say that. Say the damn truth and don't pretend to play video games just to get our attention. What gets our attention is your personaility and how cute you are(;

Don't let a boy bring you down. They're not worth and I bet all you girls ARE beautiful no matter what you look like. For me, a girls personaility is what is more important. It doesn't matter what you look like, I'll always think you look beautiful.

I'll make a list for guys and girls. 

What I Like/Dislike About Guys (Female friend made this)

Dislike: When a guy farts on you or in the exact same room.

Like: When a guy walks out of the room so you don't have to hear them fart. 

Dislike: When they act different around their friends

Like: When they protect you and be lovey dovey in front of their friends. AKA showing you off.

Dislike: A guy who checks out other girls while they're dating someone.

Like: Who shows love and compassion for just ONE girl

Dislike: Man whores

Like: Sweet and nice guys

Dislike: When they get pissed off when you beat them at a video game

(More coming out soon)

Back to my rant. 

Topic: Bad Boys

Every girl dreams of a Bad Boy but I don't understand your logic. A bad boy breaks you heart and is terrible towards you. Do you still like him? It'll be pretty messed up if you find a guy like that attractive. This world would be fucked.

Go for a sweet guy that'll treat you right. Avoid guys that treat you like shit. 

Do you find this cheesy? I'm waiting for the right girl. There goes the facebook saying "Hey, soulmate. Can you stop playing hide and seek?"

Where is she? I wonder. 

If anyone knows, call me up(;

Till next time, babes.

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