A Relationship.

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It's Lucas, bitches(;

This weeks topic is: Relationships

In my opinion, an online relationshit isn't worth it. First of all, after a couple months of finding each other and dating, you'll soon get bored of each other. Either way, somebody gets hurt. 

It's better to find someone around your area and if there isn't someone decent enough, wait. That's what I'm doing. This might sound completely cheesy and lame but I'm waiting for the right girl to come around. 

Qualities for a perfect girl:

- A sense of humour. I want a girl I can joke around with, playfully. 

- A girl that isn't fake. Fake girls are very un-attractive. Fake tan, fake boobs, fake personaility. All those things aren't pleasing. I doubt a guy would want to marry someone like that. 

- A girl who's caring and nice. If a girl is like that I'll return the favour. For example, if she's sick. I'll come to her house and make her soup, keep her company, and take care of her.

- A girl who isn't embrassed of me

-A girl who's an inner child. I like serious girls sometimes, but I like the bubbly ones and who knows to have fun. 

- If she's mature when it comes to serious things

- Who introduces me into their family

- Supports me for my decisions

Those are the quailities I look for a girl. I don't date ugly girls but before you get offended. There is no such thing of an ugly girl. Every girl is beautiful. 

I'm not one of those guys who's afraid to show affection. I noticed some things about a couple. If you see on a girl's profile. It'll be like;

"Forever taken by (name)! I love you so much baby! :) You're my entire world"

Then you look at the guy's profile.

"Xbox for life! My name is (name)! I'm sixteen and I love sports!"

I don't understand why a guy is too embarassed to show affection. If I was dating a girl my profile would be like this.

"Taken by the most beautiful girl, I like to call my girl-friend. I love you, baby!"

I would sound whipped, and be constantly teased of by my friends but who cares? If it makes my girl happy, then I won't care. 

Bad boy + good girl = have you ever seen the in real life? A good girl doesn't deserve a guy that will break her heart. Good girls should go for good guys. 

Is there such thing as a "bad boy". I think of them as wannabe "bad boys" with their pants hanging down low, talking like Gangsta G, and treating girls like shit. 

I don't understand why girls think guys like that are attractive. 

Girls ARE complicated to understand. They say something but it'll mean a completely different thing. 

"I'm fine" = No you're not. You should tell us the truth of what happened, we'll comfort you and support you. 

"I'm not mad" = I hate when girls say that. You ARE mad, that's why you've been ignoring me. We can't apologize if we don't know what we did wrong

"No, I'm not hungry" or "I already ate" = Both lies. Don't be embarassed to eat in front of a guy. I like a girl who can eat without a care

"I love your hair!" = I don't understand why you girls lie to each other. If you don't like, then don't say anything.

"I don't like him!" = It's a little obvious that you do

I know you ladies are guilty of these(;

Before I end this. If any of you girls or guys need some advice. You can personally message me and I'll do my best to give you the best advice. Don't be scared, I don't bite unless you want me to(;

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