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"Hey leave him...orelse Nobody can save you from me"- said 7years old sweet Lill Ragini holding a bat and spinning a ball on her hand .
The two boys who were bullying a cute lill boy laughs  seeing her  .
Ragini glared them and throws the ball hitting one of the small bully.
She ran holding the bat to beat them.
"Mummmmyyyy..."-screaming loudly the bullies runs from there as fast as they can..

"Are you fine?"- asked Rago fixing the t_shirt of that cute Lill boy.
He just nodded n starts leaving from there.
She frowned n runs behind him .
Holding him she asked " Teacher ne nahi sikhaya ThankYou bolna?"
He just stared at her blankly n again starts walking.
"Oh u can't speak? "- said Rago questioning him with sad tone.
He stopped n turned towards her .
She is making him frustrated with her non stop questions .
He sighs n said " I can speak. And thank you for the help. But I really don't need it.Just leave me alone .And don't follow me.....Please"
He emphasized the word please
He moves ignoring her when she jumped and side hugged him , putting all her weight on his shoulder.
"Arey! Wah So you can really speak ..that's cool..."

She keeps on blabbering about her  n he keeps on walking hoping to reach home as fast as he can.
N finally they reached . "Mera Ghar aagaya"- said he n shrugged her hand from his shoulder.
"Woah!! You live here with Sujata aunty. Wow means we are neighbors .But how come I didn't saw  u?? I almost everyday come here. And as much as I know only Saskar Bhai is there son. Then who are you. And....uff!! I forgot to ask your name also... What's your name ..."- she keeps on talking and he just keeps on looking at her with horrified face thinking how much she talks .
Can't able to bear this nonstop express. He runs inside .
She keeps on shouting for him bt he didn't turned .

She was about to follow when Sujata came n smiled at Rago .
"Aunty who is he?"-she asked
Sujata caressed her hair n said "LAKSH....From now on He"LL live with us only"
Then they both goes towards Gadodia Mansion .
Janaki and Sujata were talking about
Laksh .
That how he lost his parents in a Plane crash . And couldn't able to overcome his grief. 
"He is such a sweet boy Janaki. I feel so bad for him. I myself couldn't able to accept Annapurna Bhabhi and Durgaprasad bhaiya's death . I donno how to pacify Laksh"-said Sujata sobbing.
Janaki consoled her .
Rago was listening to them carefully.

At night Ragini goes towards the Garden of Maheshwari mansion.
There was a well at side. She sees laksh sitting there . She goes towards him n sits beside him. He saw her n was about to go when she holds his hand . "Wait"- said she
"Look there"- she asked him to look at the sky which was twinkling with loats of stars .
He moves his gaze from her to the sky.
"Maa says that wenever god feels lonely he takes some good people from here , to accompany him. And turns them into twinkling stars so that they can keep watching the one they loves from the sky" she looks at him "Your parents are also up there ...looking at you... And I don't think they"LL be happy seeing you sad... So at least for them SMILE"- said she making a smiley from her hand .

His eyes gets moist n he looks at her trying to smile. Tears keeps falling from his eyes n he hugged her tight. She keeps patting her like the way her mother used to do when she cries. He poured out the saddness he was holding since long. That day they became the bestest friends. One who can do anything for each other.

"Laksh let's go . Maa had made aaloo paratha . You know , She makes the best food in the world. Hurry up...let's go"- said she dragging him .
He laughed seeing her antics n ruffled her hair to which she makes cute angry faces.
They both proceed towards her house. Janaki smiled seeing them n served them food. Ragini opened her mouth indicating her something. Janaki grins & makes her eat . LAKSH looks at them n forced a sad smile. Janaki sees him n forward a piece towards him. He gazed her With teary eyes n eats it. Like that she keeps on feeding laksh and Ragini simultaneously.
That day laksh found his Janu maa.

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