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Ragini took the car and moves towards his house.
It was in an isolated area.
As she knocked the door , he opened it and let her in.
She shakes her head n asked where is swara.
He showed her the direction.
She saw all d setup was ready .
He told her that he was about to start only.
Ragini holds her head seeing swara laying on bed unconscious with messed up look and dress somewhat slipping off her shoulder.
Ragini bits her lips as what she was about to do.
She shakes her head n says _"I told you to stop right. I am cancelling dis deal. You can take your money. Just help me to get hold of her"
Ragini starts carrying swara.
He interrupted her n said wickedly that he won't back off not before feeling swara's body.
Ragini gets shocked and frighten bt somehow manages to hide her fear and scolded him badly.
"Don't forget that u r a photographer and I just asked you to take some pictures that's it. Don't behave like a psychopath"-spatted she
"What to do madam I am not a saint , I am also a guy with needs and desires"-said he sensuously.

He asked her to leave so that he can do wtever he wants with swara and then she can take her back.
Ragini gets frustrated and kicked him , he groaned and cursed her badly and tied her to the chair.
She keeps struggling.
He ignored her n moves towards swara.
Ragini shakes her head.she can't let this happen.
"Wait... "She interrupted . He looks at her . "Don't touch her please.If you want .you can have me "-she whispered not believing herself.
He twisted his lips n said _"I don't have any problem in that"
He moves towards her n caressed her neck . She cringed at his touch. He removed the shirt from her shoulder . Tear keeps flowing from her eyes feeling disgusted. She looks at swara and murmered _" I can't believe I am doing this for you"-ragini closed her eyes .

The guy was about to open her buttons when Laksh barged inside and kicked him on his Man's part.
The guy winced badly. But laksh didn't stopped. He keeps beating him . Ragini saw the state of that guy n shouted at laksh to stop. Listening her he unwantedly left.
The guy was all bruised .Laksh asked to never come across there path again orelse he"LL kill him.

The guy runs from there saving his life.Laksh goes towards Ragini and untied her.
He checks her for any bruise . She shook her head n just hugged him.
He saw the shirt down from her shoulder and fisted his hands .He makes her proper n looks at swara.

"Laksh I just wanted the pictures. Believe me I didn't asked for anything else.But now everything got messed up. Everyone will hate me . I came here to stop everything. But..."-she said tearing up.
"Hey..hey Rago...don't cry... Your laksh is alive. I won't let anything happen to you."
He took her hand and made her sit.He kneels down n said-" Jo hua so hua ,nobody knows about anything. And it"LL remain between us only okay. And moreover realationship of uncle-aunty (shekher-sumi) and uncle being swara's father would have been out some or the other day . You have done favour to swara only. Now she can talk about him being her father openly. And about the photos , then Sanskaar is there to support her. And people only needs there loved ones to trust them. Hmm... And about this (he says seeing swara) we"LL take her home and put her to bed . Nobody will come to know about this matter ever . Got it"- he asked looking deep into her eyes.
"Moreover they all deserves this , for sending you far from me "-he said cutely making Ragini chuckles and merged there head.

To lighten up her mood he said_" oye teacher ne nahi sikhaya THANK YOU bolna😉"
To which both laughed .
And soon left to Gadodia's mansion.
Ragini asked him how he got here.
He told her that he was keeping watch on each of her moves and that when he saw her leaving somewhere he immediately followed her. But as the door was locked ,fully secured. He couldnt able to enter . Then he saw a window and broke it to get inside .
She nodded her head thanking him genuinely.

They put swara to bed secretly .
And goes towards Ragini's room.
She asked him why he treat her so special.
To which he replied_"cause you are special.. u are the only one about whom I care. I can do anything to protect and be with you. Understand"
She fight back her tears seeing his Care n nodded.
He smiled at her and goes towards her cupboard to give her night dress to change . He saw some papers there. He grins realising what they are and turn towards her.
You still have all my letters.
"Aur Kya ..they are most precious to me"-said she
After a while He tugged her to bed and asked to sleep .
She holds his hand and requested to stay with her.
As he can never deny her , he goes and lays beside.
She cuddles into him making him giggle. And then both slept forgetting all the worries.

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