The Woods Part Two

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It surely was coming from a person probably hanging on the side of a cliff. The logical way to handle this situation is to probably call for an adult, but that option will leave my mom troubling me so much. I don’t want to deal with that!

Personally finding this person is my best choice. Besides, I have my rope with me. Laying on my stomach to take a peek on the cliff’s edge, I first saw a roof of tree leaves that prohibited me to view the person’s body. A growing tree branch on the cliff’s side probably stopped the person from falling to their death.

“HELLO!” I screamed. They might be dead for all I know. But, If I find this person dead, what’s my next plan?

I took off my slippers, uncoiled the rope, tied it around the nearest tree, and let it hang on the cliff. There’s almost a six feet difference from the tree branch to the cliff’s top.

I’ll be fine and down I go.

As my feet touched the tree branch, it was surprisingly wide and sturdy. Ahead of me, where the tree branch stretches, was the sight of a laying male body. The ray of sunlight going through the tree leaves presented the body with such elegance. He lies on his stomach, surprisingly bloodless, and his arms hanging loosely on each side. One move could cost him to slip from the branch and fall to his death, and his face was the face of the man who kept me from going to the woods. When arguing, he speaks quietly with such concern on the neighbors, for his reputation, which he carefully nurtures, screams its importance. He goes out with his friends trying to reclaim those missed youthful days only then to either argue with Mother or be emotionally distant back at home. His continued absences keep salting the wounds over the huge regret of our family’s existence, yet he still manages to keep the bag of locusts, meant for our family dinner last night, laying between his legs. It didn’t fell.

He grunts then twitch his body.

My poor numb mother who has gotten this far with Father deserves a rest. I do, too.

An unthinkable happened. I placed my hands on his shoulder blades and pushed him to his death.

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