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A Day Later

Keith isn't looking as tired as usual. Actually, he seemed more alive than previously. Smiling, even. Not very keith-like. "Keith, how're you feeling?" Shiro asked as they head to the common room.

Keith cocked his head. "I still feel a little weak, but I'm okay. Though, I am feeling a little restless, considering all I've been doing is resting." Keith said. His face was slightly flushed, and he was smiling. It was very noticeable that Keith wasn't himself. Everyone looked at each other. Then, Shiro got off the couch, walked up to Keith, and put his hand on Keith's forehead.

"He doesn't have a fever..." Shiro mumbled. He looked to Lance, who had slept in his room again.

"Uh...when I woke up, I did the same thing. Looks like his hot head cooled down. Maybe it's a Galra adjustment thing." He said.

"Can you not talk about me like I'm not right in front of you...?" Keith asked. They ignored him.

"Yeah, maybe. There are too many unknown factors. Maybe Pidge has already analyzed the blood sample. She's been in the research facility all night." Said Shiro.

"She's asleep," Hunk called from the couch. "I went to bring her breakfast, but she was collapsed on the floor with a message messily written with sharpie on the floor. Honestly, I thought she was dead...I was so freaked out, I dropped the plate. What a waste...oh, but don't worry, i carried her to her bed."

"What'd the message say?" Lance asked.

"I cleaned it up. It said something about being so close, but being unable to go on. Let's wait for her to wake up." Hunk said

"Sounds scary...well, I guess we wait." Lance sighed. He turned to Keith and smiled. "While we wait, let's go take a walk. Sadly we're in space, so let's just walk around the castle..."

Keith smiled and nodded. Lance took him by the hand, and they left. "Seeing Keith like this is very unsettling...think we could wake her?" Shiro asked.

"I wouldn't. She bit me." Hunk solemnly said

"Okay, then I'll go read her research. Maybe we can get Keith back sooner than we thought." Shiro said. Shiro left to do just that, without anyone elses input

Meanwhile, Keith and Lance were taking a walk around the castle, when they entered the bridge. Allura and Coran were there discussing something. When Keith walked in, Allura glanced at him with disgust. Keith looked away, already expecting it.

"So, how's our favorite Galra doing?" Coran asked, walking over.

"I'm doing fine, thanks Coran..." Keith said with a sad smile.

Coran could tell right away that Keith wasn't okay. "I didn't think we'd ever have a favorite Galra..." Allura mumbled just loud enough for them to hear it. Lance glared at her.

"This is Keith, Allura. You remember him, the mullet-head that has saved planets, fought Galra, saved your life, saved my life, and the list goes on." Lance said.

"The Galra destroyed my planet, Lance, this isn't something I can simply forget--"

"Zarkon destroyed your planet. Keith is a good guy. And the Blades too. They go to show that not all Galra are bad." Lance said. Keith smiled at him.

Allura didn't seem to have much what to say, but she had definitely not changed her mind. She just looked away from him, which secretly hurt Keith. Lance squeezed his hand, reassuringly. Keith suddenly felt a pain in his temple and winced.

"You okay, K-Keith?" Lance wanted to call Keith babe, but he hadn't really talked to Keith about their relationship, yet.

"It's just these head aches, I've been getting them a lot since I got back..." He said with a stained voice. The way that he was going his teeth and letting his fangs show made allura back up.

"He shouldn't be here. The witch is clearly trying to take control of him. Putting my resentment of the Galra as a whole aside, he should be isolated so no one gets hurt." Allura said.

"Allura, we have already decided that's not how we're handling this. Keith is fragile at the moment, so please stop talking." Lance said with a rare and serious expression that allura had never seen before.

Keith suddenly collapsed to his knees. "KEITH!" Lance exclaimed.

Coran and Lance rushed to his side. His head felt like it was splitting open. He could hear Haggar's voice. It was so loud and pierced his head. It was too much for him and he collapsed from pain.

"Do we take him to a pod?" Lance asked, starting to pick him up.

"No, a bed would be better. If this is Galra Keith related, the pod would have already healed him. This is mental." Coran said.

Lance hurried and rushed Keith to his room, where he lied him down. Keith still looked to be in pain. Hunk heard the commotion and went to see what happened. So did Shiro.

"He-he just collapsed, we don't know what happened...!" Lance exclaimed.

"I might know," Shiro said. "I skimmed through pidge's data and looked through her theories. Firstly, he was injected with pure Irubum, which tends to bring out certain hidden genetic traits. But, we also found traces of Restru. When injected into the blood stream, it would make Keith obey whoever injected him. Pidge thinks that the mix of that plant and that chemical caused Keith to react differently. She believes that Keith is fighting the Restru inside his own head, which is leaving him vulnerable on the outside. That's why he isn't so stubborn and hot headed. But, that side of him is too busy fighting Haggar and the Restru that he has no way to defend himself. Meaning that if something negative happens to him in reality, Keith might...shut down."

"So that explains why he collapsed when talking to allura...she was being pretty harsh..." Lance said.

"Yeah, I forgot about her and the whole Galra thing, but I would've thought that she would be okay with it, since she was fine with knowing Keith was half Galra..." Hunk said, sadly.

"How long did Pidge think it'll last?" Lance asked.

"She says that the Restru part would wear off within a month of the first dosage, but there's no way of knowing whether Keith could fend it off for that long. Especially since making him last longer would mean he can't come into contact with anything negative. Luckily, there is a cure. On planet Ignar," Shiro said.

"The plant planet still under Galra control?* Lance asked.

"That's the one. We'll need to head back there and find the cure. If the rebels help. I mean, we did drop everything to go save Keith." Shiro said.

"Well, there's no other option." Lance said, looking at the unconscious and uncomfortable looking Keith. If going back there meant getting back the real Keith, he would do anything.

Shiro explained that there was a flower on planet Ignar that would spray the cure into Keith through skin contact. It needed to be fresh or it wouldn't work. Therefore, they needed to bring Galra Keith into a planet tormented by the Galra. And if he experienced anything negative, Keith would shut down. This definitely wasn't going to be easy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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