part 1

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Mr.shergill was very much disturbed thinking about what he saw in his dream...(most often people would forget their dreams that they get in the nights. and very few among them changes into reality )

He was confused. was it just a dream or my future. he did not remember his entire dream but few scenes remained in his mind.

he remembers:

1.who he was married to

2.her childhood history(till train incident)

3.who divya was

( this story does not have laal chakor and dhaithyavaanar )

The meeting went  good.
He was very tired. so immediately accepted lavanya's request of a beach walk.

They were walking in the beach shores. the cool breeze provided warmth to Rakshit. he felt peaceful. he didn't mind continues talks of lavanya since he is used to it. suddenly they hear an announcement being made.

This is an extremely risky challenge.
You have to sit on the bike, drive towards the car. then make your bike jump over the car.

Rakshit felt the challenge was a cool one and was all ready to take it.

Wait comes another voice

Wait. there's a twist

The twist is as soon as you reach near the car , the car will explode...there'll be fire. then, you have to jump over it.
Who will do it ?

Lavanya : that's too scary .Who would do that?

Rakshit: me.

Lavanya: Baby you? No. are you mad! You can't do that

Rakshit paid 0 attention to her talks. left towards the organizers

Lavanya: Rakshit come on.
Okay all the best baby.

Lavanya gets hit by a girl (divya)

Divya: sorry..

Lavanya :can't you see.

Divya : I'm sorry. they have been looking for a challenger for such a long time. Finally they have got a brave man.

Lavanya: he is my boyfriend.

Divya: why did you let him take this risk?

This is the 1st time divya looking at rakshit

Not bad. A hunky ,studly man he is.

The other side drishti is hired as Mr. Shergill 's PA.

There are shouts all over.

Yay oh my God! you did it.

h my God. yes yes this is super cool.

Here is your price money.

Rakshit: I don't do this for money..

Lavanya exclaimed: Baby , everyone was saying this is so dangerous.

They say you should have been a professional. they were surprised
You pulled it off.
You did it.

Rakshit:  I love surprising people

It wasn't that impressive. I can do better .  Came a voice from behind.

Rakshit turned and got a mini heart attack seeing divya.

Divya: yea, of course. I can bike jump higher and faster than him

Rakshit stood numb. since she was the same girl he saw in his dream.
Her sister was the one whom he is gonna marry? Wait rakshit what are you thinking is all this possible.dream is a dream that's it.

Divya: let's bet on it . I will break your record.  I can.

Rakshit:I only compete with myself
I don't enjoy someone else's defeat

Divya: do you think I can't do it ? Or are you afraid I can?

I am rakshit shergill and you are?

I am D

Whatever. I don't walk away from challenges.

Divya attempts but falls in water losing her balance.

Rakshit plans to move but something stops him an unknown feeling saying it's his duty to protect her. he goes bringing divya back from water.

They  come back

He leaves divya down. asks if she is okay. Then leaves.

Divya: oh my God my prince charming

Here drishti foresees. she gets tensed and enquires viney about Rakshit's plan. she wants to stop him from using the flight.

Rakshit and lavanya were heading back to their hotel. when divya runs to their car.

Divya: hello friends where are you going

Lavanya: we are going to our hotel , the grand star hotel.  Goodbye

Divya: that's great I am staying there too . Please drop me. I have a headachedue to this climate. please drop me please.

Rakshit: yes, sure. Just keep your mouth shut.

They reach the hotel. lavanya is hell angry on him for just allowing a stranger to travel with them. especially the girl who she hates from the 1st meet

Rakshit :Lavanya, listen.

Lavanya: no I won't...

She kept walking. when a girl collides with him. he holds her from falling.

 he holds her from falling

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Seeing her face. Rakshit gets chills. the same girl!  Is my dream coming true??

He leaves her in shock. She falls in water behind with a thud.

Hope you ppl liked it. I know many scenes in this part are same as in dd. but since dream part is repeating. u can expect some scenes as it is from the drama. but will have changes too.

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