(Y/n), a froggy situation! De arimasu!

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(Btw Giroro won't have a crush on Natsumi, he'll have a crush on you. And also your older than Natsumi and Fuyuki, they trust you enough to let you in. And I apologize if any of the characters are ooc)

"Hah..." You sighed, as you plopped onto the Hinata's couch.

"Ah, (Y/n)-chan/kun!" Natsumi came in wearing an apron. "Did Fuyuki let you in...?"

You nodded, "Sorry I came without letting you know Natsumi-chan."

"Ah it's okay. I just got done cleaning I can cook you something if you like." Natsumi said with a small smile.

"Really? Haha, no thanks. But thank you Natsumi-chan." You smiled back. "Oh."

"What is it (Y/n)-chan/kun?" Natsumi tilted her head.

"Has that tent always been there?" You said as you pointed to said tent. It was red, and a fire pit sat outside.

"A-ah... Uhm, yeah..." Natsumi stuttered.

"What's it for?" You turned to Natsumi.

"Well, uhm... Sometimes me and Fuyuki like to camp outside, b-brings back the old memories y'know...?" Natsumi laughed as a bead of sweat dripped down.

"You don't need to lie to me y'know." You shook your head and sighed.

"H-hah?!" Natsumi yelled, but quickly collected herself.

"Seriously why's that here?" You squinted your eyes as a figure suddenly came to figure. "A...A red frog too...?"

"G-Giroro! Ah-" She suddenly stopped herself.

"Giroro?" You copied the name she said. "Ah, I feel like you accidentally said that before... And also you were saying stupid frog before."

You sat up and smiled, "If there just walking frogs then what's the harm?" Yes, you thought it was strange but at the same time, they could be aliens, and you weren't denying that fact.

"A-ah..."Natsumi stuttered at a lost for words, "Well, I got five stupid frogs that live here, well at least 3 of them..."

"Ah. I've always wanted to see Aliens before. It's been my life long dream!" You turned dramatically, and clasping your hands as your eyes glittered.

Natsumi sweat dropped.

"Hey where's Fuyuki-kun? Does he know about these guys too?" You asked looking for Fuyuki.

"I think he was about to leave right when you came, and I'm guessing when you came in he left. He's probably out buying that Stupid frog a new Gunpla set..." Natsumi sighed.

By the time Natsumi opened her eyes you were already outside. "H-hey!"

You look down to the ground and saw the red frog, he had a scar on his eye, and his symbol was a skull, he also wore a belt.

It seemed like he was too focused on polishing his guns to notice you.

"Hey?" You squeaked out.

Giroro suddenly perked up, his eyes then widen, another Pekoponian? Able to see him?

"Tch. Another Pekoponian." He said coldly.

"You're not this usually cold right?" You said in a teasing manner.  You just met him and you're already teasing him?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean." He suddenly stopped polishing his guns, then pointing it right at your head.

"If you don't want to die today, then I suggest you leave."

"H-hah..? But I'm a friend of the Hinata's!" You said as you waved your hands around in fear.

He pull his gun down and closed his eyes.

"If your just a friend then I guess I dont have a problem with you." Giroro sighed.

"Natsumi said there were more Alien frog things...? Do you know where they are, I wanna meet them so badly!" You said in giddy.

Giroro sweat dropped, "Keroro's probably off playing with his toys, he's usually in the basement."

"Ah thank you!" You thanked him as you ran off.

Giroro went back to polishing his guns as his cat meowed. You weren't so bad, maybe you can become friends?

You closed the sliding door, and were suddenly met with Natsumi's eyes.

"How'd it go?" Natsumi asked.

"It was fine." You shrugged but continued to smile.

"I'm back nee-san!" Fuyuki's voice echoed through the house.  Fuyuki came into the living room, holding a box than contained a gunpla figurine.

"Ah, Fuyuki-kun! I didnt know you were into Gunpla." You smiled.

"I'm not. It's for my...friend!" Fuyuki laughed, while you raised your eyebrows.

"Ah, that frog guy Natsumi mentioned right?"

"A-ah yeah... Why did Nee-san tell you about them?" Fuyuki asked.

"She saw Giroro and I figured she might as well know." Natsumi replied, taking off her apron and setting it aside.

"Ah Fuyuki-dono! I heard your voice did you get the Gunpla, gero?!" Keroro waltz in with excitement.

"Ah yeah Gunsou..." Fuyuki said while handing him said Gunpla.

"Aw he's kinda cute!" You said while pointing at him.

Natsumi looked at you with bewilderment, 'Cute? Far from cute.' She thought.

"Gero?!" Keroro yelled while clutching on the box, "Can you see me...?"

You nodded, "I wonder why I wasnt able to before..."

"Gero Gero Gero..." Keroro laughing mischievously. 'What perfect timing! It's the test subject! They can finally see us... Our plan to invade Pekopon will be set in motion!'

"Hey, stupid frog. You better not be thinking about taking over the world!" Natsumi angrily shouted.

"Eek?!" Keroro squealed.

You laughed as you watch Natsumi bicker.

You crouch down to Keroro's level, and patted his head. "Gero?" Keroro tilted his head.

"Can you show me the rest of your froggy friends?" You asked.

"I don't see why not, desu!" Keroro agreed.

Natsumi growled in frustration, "If that stupid frog trys anything on you just yell for help..."

"Don't worry Natsumi-chan! I can defend myself!" You crossed your arms as you nodded you head.

Keroro couldn't believe how easy it was to lure you in, he didn't even have to try!

"Right this way!" Keroro said as he marched towards his room.  "Right behind ya!" You replied as you followed him.

Natsumi looked at Fuyuki worriedly.

"Don't worry Nee-san I'm sure everything will be alright." Fuyuki reassured.

Natsumi nodded while sending him a small smile.

You would soon regret ever following Keroro... For your life will be changed forever!

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