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Katherines POV

This day was so amazing! I decided to make a post.

Today has been crazy! So has this journey! We went through so much hassle just to find our baby girl, welcome home Aurora Straneva💕

Tagged: MaxStraneva, NickReali, ChadGilbert, Jason Dudley, ChristinaCim, LisaCim

Lisa's POV

Hoping on the bandwagon of my sisters and posting a post about my girl.

Well you've seen it 2 times might as well see it a few more, but, I can't believe she's officially mine, Chad, and also Jasons! We officially adopted this beautiful girl into our family💕 welcome home Ella Bella! We love you!

Jason's POV

I saw all the posts I was being tagged in.

Hey, Guys, it's Jason! I'm so excited to tell you that the girls are officially mine! Alongside, Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Nick, Max, and Chad. It has been a wild ride and I cannot wait to start a brand new life with these amazing people! These girls came into my life at the perfect time and I'm so glad to meet some of the greatest people on the way! Love you guys to the moon and back! Welcome home Scarlett Reali, Aurora Straneva, and Ella Gilbert-Dudley 💕

Tagged: ChristinaCim, KathCim, LisaCim, NickReali, MaxStraneva, ChadGilbert

So happy that my life is complete.


We all decided to go stroll in the park.


We were walking and Scarlett fell. We ran to her and her knee was bleeding.

"I got a kit in my car," I said and I ran to get it.

I came back and sat her on the bench.

"Wait, Christina? You didn't feel anything did you?" I asked and she shook her head no.

"So I think our meeting and taking in the girls stopped all of the injuries." I chuckled.

"Well thank god." Lisa laughed.

"You're thanking god? You barely got hurt. Besides the head trauma." Kath laughed pointing at her arm and we laughed.

"Right their with yah mama," Aurora said while she was in Max's arms. We all laughed.

"Okay, you guys taking the girls tonight? I have to pack boxes." I asked.

"Yeah, I will take them out tomorrow," Christina said.

"Oh crud, I forgot Aurora has her appointment tomorrow," I said.

"What time is it at?" Max asked.

"Is at 8, she's getting her shoulder cast removed, and her stitches too," I said.

"Ah exciting, we can take her," Christina said.

"Awesome, then y'all can help bring boxes," I said and they all laughed.

"Course." They said and we continued walking.


We made it back to our cars, and we got ready to depart.

"Bye, dad." They said running to hug me.

"Hey Roro, soon you'll be able to give me an actual hug," I said and she sarcastically rolled her eyes.

"You behave, alright?" I said.

"Oh, they always do." Christina laughed.

"Well, then you 3 watch these three because my daughters are just like monkeys and I think they're learning it from some people." I pointed to Christina, Kath, and Lisa.

"Monkeys aye?" Lisa said with an eye roll.

"Okay, goodnight guys," I said.

"Night." They said and we went our separate ways.

Christina's POV

Today was just amazing. We got home and it was 6:00 pm, I decided I was going to make a pasta dish with chicken.

"Mom? I'm allergic to tomatoes." Scarlett said.

"Alrighty then, girls anything else I should be aware of?" I asked.

"Just to ginger," Ella said, and I nodded.


We finished dinner and I go the girls ready for bed.

Kath, Lisa, and I stood in the doorway.

"Goodnight baby's." We said.

"Night mommy." They all said. We shut their door and we all looked at each other in complete tears.

"Okay but how hard did you cry yesterday?" I asked.

"A lot." Kath and Lisa said.

"Me too," I said and we all hugged.

"K see you rats tomorrow morning," I said walking off to bed.

"See you tomorrow, night." Kath and Lisa said back and we went to bed.

Cute huh? 😂💕~Malie

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