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Jasons POV -6:00 am-

I was the only awake so I decided to make breakfast for everyone.

-7:30 am-

I was finishing up breakfast when someone came up from downstairs.

"Mornin' son." I looked up to see it was Nick.

"Oh hey, Mr. Reali," I said, and he looked at me with a serious look.

"Son, please Nick is fine." Nick said.

"Sorry Nick, still getting used to that haha," I said.

"That's okay my boy, so what's all this?" Nick asked.

"Just something special for you guys, decided to make y'all breakfast." I said.

"Well thank you." Nick smiled.

"Anything for you guys." I said.

-8:00 am-

We were almost all downstairs we were just waiting for the girls. We heard whining.

"I'll go get Scarlett." Christina said going upstairs. Then Ella and Aurora walked down.

"Morning Dad," they both said.

"Morning girls." I said and Christina came downstairs, she walked towards me.

"Good morning Scar." I said kissing her forehead. We all then sat down. We said grace and began eating.

11:30 am

"Alright, boxes are packed, and poster are packed, are we missing anything?" Christina asked.

"I'm missing something." Dani said.

"What could it be this time?" Christina asked.

"Something handsome? Oh wait found it." She crawled towards my foot and stood up wrapping her arm around me. Christina rolled her eyes.

Message alert from The Fam GC

Exit out the basement, I don't want Scarlett seeing I left, she's down for a nap so will see if she wakes, Chad if she wakes call me ~Chris

We all looked up and nodded.

We exit from the basement and get in out cars and go.

Christina's POV

We arrived and I saw a bulky guy standing setting up barriers. MIKE!

"Guys Mike is our guard!" I said and they all were so happy. Kath took her car because she was getting her cast removed.

We all got out and we saw Kath. She came over and hugged us all.

"Wow that felt good." She laughed and we walked to the doors.

"Mike!" I said happily as I hugged my older brother.

"I can't believe you guys are back! Who's this?" Mike asked.

"This is Jason, long story short, he's the other guardian of me, Kath and Lisa's kids, and Dani's boyfriend." I explained, Mike looked at me confused.

"Talk later?" I asked and he nodded.

*** -12:26 pm-

"You guys ready?" I asked. Everyone nodded. I was at the end, then Amy, Kath, Lisa, Lauren, Dani and Jason.

There were so many little kids, like I mean 6-9 year olds.

Kaths POV

The meet and greet started and I was taking pictures with these little kids, I happen to see a little girl that I recognized. That was my moms sisters kid. We never saw them much, she really doesn't know we exist, well of course she does but she doesn't know were related.

"Hi what's your name?" I asked.

"Fiona." She said.

"Nice to meet you Fiona, how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 5." She says.

"You're so cute." I said and we took a picture and hugged, then she walked to Lisa.

Dani's POV

We were finishing up the meet and greet, there was a lady standing near the door gathering 3 girls. I decided to go talk to her. The little girls were so happy.

"Hi I'm Dani." I said.

"I know, I'm Delilah, I'm the care taker at California's home for girls. These are my girls I take care of, Fiona Jane she's 5, Isbella Nicole who's 6, Juniper Christine Sullivan whos ." She said and my mouth dropped.

"Like children of James Sullivan? I thought he was fine." I said.

"He became a drug addict after his wife died, he wasn't able to take care of the girls." My eyes saddened. I couldn't believe it.

"You allow visitors?" I asked. She nodded.

"I will come to visit then." I smiled and I said goodbye and walked back over to Jason and my sisters.

Wow! This story has gone by too fast!! There's one more chapter after this then an epilogue! This is probably going to be the last story while I work on others! I will update y'all soon! ~Malie

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