Chapter 10

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*Sorry for the shortness of this chapter. I will probably have more time to update this weekend. Thank you to all of you who have read my story - You don't know how much it means to me. :) So without further ado, here is Chapter 10 of Away We Go*

Steve Roger's a.k.a Captain America's P.O.V.

"What does this mean?" I asked, leaning my head into my hands. Calypso had gone into a full fledged fit when she'd came to, much worse than before. She'd made three attempts to escape the medical ward, but after being thwarted each time, she'd finally broken out into sobs, every plan of escape abandoned.

"I'm not sure yet. We have to know what we're dealing with and what the best course of action would be," Fury responded, placing the letter into a folder labeled 'Classified'.

Natasha scoffed in disbelief.

"You're honestly considering giving her up to those people!?" she shouted, pushing away from her spot on the wall and storming towards the Director.

Fury became tight lipped and hard eyed, and Widow took this as a conformation to her accusation. 

She growled, barely restraining herself from leaping forward and tackling Fury out of a nearby window.

"Are you serious, Nick?" Tony asked, everyone now just noticing his presence at the entrance of the room. He'd stayed behind to wait for Calypso to calm down, if only to thank her for not letting him go splat on the concrete. 

"I am. If whatever she's gotten herself into endangers everyone here–"

"You'll feed her to the sharks? You were a signature away from adding her to The Avengers," he snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. This was the first time that I'd actually seen Tony pissed off, and it wasn't a pretty sight. His usual joking demeanor was gone and it unsettled me, along with Bruce. Tony wasn't one for seriousness.

"She declined the offer," Nick said, clutching the folder to his chest.

"She's a good kid. She's spared three of our lives already, and you're ready to simply hand her over?" Stark shouted, livid.

"If it comes to that–"

"You know they branded her right? Held a molten slab of steel to her hip until most of the skin had melted away?" he said, voice icy and unnerving calm.

Natasha's breath stopped. Bruce blinked a few times, wondering if he'd heard him right.

No one seemed to be able find anything to say, so Tony continued on with these newfound facts about this enigma of a girl.

"Did you know that they tortured her for years, performing experiments while she was still awake!?" he hissed, grinding his teeth. Nick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"My hands are tied on this matter, Tony. The higher ups don't want to risk compromising the rest of you. Whatever trouble this girl is in could potentially endanger S.H.I.E.L.D. She didn't sign the agreement so she's not under our protection," he sighed, his inner frustration working its way into his expression. 

"What if we could convince her to sign it? Now?" he asked, tapping his foot with impatience. 

Fury's eyes shone the slightest bit of hope at the prospect but it couldn't have lasted for more than a second before resignation took its place.

"What makes you think she'd sign it now, if she was so opposed to it before? Besides, I've already told my bosses she's refused to join," he muttered, casting his eyes downward in defeat.

"Screw them! If she's not under S.H.I.E.L.D's protection then damnit, she'll be under mine," he snarled.


"I'm with Tony on this one," Natasha piped up, coming to stand beside him. Of course, Clint and Bruce weren't far behind. 

"You risk being compromised," Nick warned, glaring down the most unlikely pairing I'd ever seen.

"'Compromised' my ass," Tony growled, striding forward and ripping the folder from Fury's hands. Without waiting for a response he strode out of the double doors, the master assassins and the Hulk not far behind. 

The Director glanced over in my direction, a deep rooted fear swirling within his darkened iris, but it was quickly over shadowed by...nothingness. He was already emotionally detaching himself from the group, as if he knew whatever was chasing her would eventually succeed, destroying us in the process. 

So much for faith.

I stood from my seat, catching the double door before it could shut completely, leaving Fury alone in the control room to 'distance' himself to his heart's content.

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