Chapter 3

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"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Izumi shouted at the man.

Katsuki gave her a confused looked before shouting back "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM GROUND ZERO WHY ELSE WOULD I BE HERE" Katsuki said flicking her forehead.

Izumi sat back down in her chair shocked her childhood friend was GROUND ZERO!? It slowly all came together the news the fights, photo shoots, and rankings she thought back to it all.


She sighed deeply and put her head on her hands.

"I'm sorry Kacc-Mr.Zero for waisting you time.."She said, before getting up and walking to the door.

"Oi! Where the hell you think your going eh?"

Izumi quickly turned around her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. She tilted her head in confusion by his words.

"I'm sorry?"

"Sit down Deku.."

Izumi slowly walked up to the leather chair and sat down eyes meeting in the middle.


Katsuki pulled out one draw and grabbed a pice of paper and sat it down on the desk with a pen and pushed it up to Izumi.

"Put you number, email, and address you start tomorrow.." He said, with a smirk.

Izumi gasps as tears started to form from the corner of her eyes.

"Oi dont cry..heh we have a lot to catch up on huh?" Katsuki said, with his hands crossed on his stomach still having the hot sexy smirk plastered on his face.

Izumi shook her head and quickly and wrote her number, email, and address on the card.

When she was done they both made some small talk about what has been going on within there lives until one caught up with Izumi.

"Dating anyone deku?" Katsuki said, filling out a form for his next mission.

Izumi nearly choked up on her spit "Uh- No..Nope! Still single!"

Katsuki chuckled and said "Wow someone good looking as you still single, I'm not surprised, your way to good for theses extras"

Izumi blushed deeply from his comment.

Was he flirting with me! No no way Ground Zero would ever want to be with her.

"Heh thanks....are you dating anyone Kacchan?" She asked, with curiosity.

"No but I tried but it never work out only wanted me for my money and other shit like that" He said, looking up from the paper work.

There was an awkward silence between the two until Katsuki decided to speak up he wanted to really get to know the girl more and not in his crappy office.

"So.. you wanna get coffee some time this wee-"

"Katsuki~ I missed you so much~" Some one said at the door.

The two both shot there heads over to the source of the voice.


The girl slowly walked up to Katsuki desk showing her thighs and legs off and some cleavage.

Itsu was a worked there but not a hero she has a vine quirk but decided not to become a hero rather than an assistant for everyone.

"Oi! What the hell are you doing!?"

The girl got closer and closer to Katsuki and slowly sat on his desk her back facing Izumi who was rather confused because he just said, he didn't have a girlfriend.

"I-I should g-go.." Izumi said, uncomfortable with the girl and how she is show her body.

"Yes!" -Itsu

"NO!" -Katsuki

Izumi ignore them and left out the room without another word coming from her mouth.

The her way home silent sobs and cry's came down her cheeks.

She needed to get home so her mother and comfort her a bit.


Katsuki was furious.

"Get out" He said, to the girl in a low toned voice.

"Come on babe~" Itsu started to rub her hands over his chest then guided the other one to the silver zipper located on his hero suit.

Katsuki swiftly grabbed the girl wrist and held on it tightly standing up and dragging the girl to the door and throwing her out before slamming the door shut.

He slowly walked back to his seat sloughed.

That was his fucking chance but the bitch had to come in and fucking ruin it all.

He slammed his fist on the table with a grunt.

He looked at the end of the desk to see the paper that Izumi put her number, email, and address.

He grabbed the pice of paper and took a picture of it before putting the girl in his contacts.

He decided that tomorrow he'll explain the situation to her and send her a text to be here at 7 AM for the shift.


Why did that bitch had to ruin it....

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