The Beginning

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This text is the diary content.

The picture above is Officer Kains.

"Nawazaki! I've got something for you!" Officer's Kains runs over to him and hands him a beat-up diary with scratches adorning the cover; almost as if it got attacked by a wolf. "A man turned this into me, said he found it in a dumpster near the Cherrywood Cafe out in B-District." He said while munching on a donut.

¨Were you patrolling D-district?¨ Nawazaki askes.

"Yeah, but the guy said he walks home, looked like a teacher, or a fancy barista, Nice shirt, and everything," Kains said.

¨Barista? Then finding this would make sense, I heard that Cherrywood is definitely expensive and high-end. Did he leave any information with you?¨

"No, just the diary."

¨Okay thanks, I'll look into it.¨

Kains leaves to do some paperwork, and Nawazaki takes a look at the diary. A beat-up scratched diary, he scans it. Making sure nothing seems awry.

"I CHECKED IT ALREADY MR. PROTOCOL!" Kains yells across the station. Janice, the front desk worker, takes a whiteboard and puts a tally under "Kains yelling at Nawazaki, or at anyone else."

THAT PROTOCOL KEEPS US SAFE, YOU KNOW!¨ Nawazaki yells back without missing a beat.

Another tally goes under "Nawazaki being right." The score is at 32, it's only Tuesday.

He begins to flip through the pages, and as he does, Nawaskai noticed water stains and what looks to be blood splatters.

¨Where have you been you poor diary? More importantly, where is your author?¨

Nothing looks planted, so you flip back to the front page and begin reading.

If you are reading this, then that means my plan worked. Please, if you are reading this, then give it to the police -they will know what to do.

(Page Flip)


My name is Emma Moore. I'm 18 and a student at Kembly University. You might know me as Dr. Elemental, the Multipower Hero.

¨Dr. Elemental?!, No one has heard from her since her disappearance in 3025, everyone thought she was dead after there was an attack at Kembly University. She was the only MIA. She was infamous for her multi power ability, Healing, elemental control, and something else. She was the whole reason we had to take an extra training course at the police academy for her kind. She could be alive?!¨ Nawazkai thought.

I have no recollection of the way I got here, but the last thing I remember is the 8-9-3025 attack. Please, I will try to leave as much information as I can for the police to find. Please tell my grandmother that I love her.

¨I can't believe this, she alive. Or at least, she could be. Oh, god, please let her be alive.¨ He thinks

Nawazaki stands up, and everyone in the station stands back watches. He breathes out, clearing his mind, and focuses on the book in hand. Time around him slows down as he closes his eyes. A faint heartbeat, a small rapid heartbeat. He feels scared, and a cold shiver creeps up his back, and a strong stench of blood hits his nose. This was Nawazaki's unique ability. He calls it Life detection. Kains calls that name lame. Nawazaki can sense what a person is feeling at that moment in time. If he really focuses, he feels their heartbeat. It only works when he has possession of the person. Nawazaki snaps out of it and sits back down, and Kains approaches.

"What did you feel?" he asks.

He tears up...

Dr. Elemental is alive... She's alive.

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