Chapter 7

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“What was that all about?” Normani argued, pulling Lauren aside back at the hotel.

“What are you talking about?” Lauren asked, feigning ignorance and focusing on the way the room felt like it was spinning.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice. I didn’t drink as much as everyone else did, and I notice things, okay?” Normani said, her hands on her hips.

“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lauren muttered, trying to walk past Normani to no avail.

“You think I didn’t notice the way Ariana was staring at you? How messed up your hair was? The smudge of lipstick on your lips? The fucking hickey on her neck?”

“I think everyone noticed the hickey on her neck.” Lauren said, rolling his eyes. “That doesn’t mean I had anything to do with it.”

“Explain the hair and the lipstick.”

Lauren remained quiet, nervously running his fingers through his hair, when Normani finally relented with a grunt.

“Just don’t do anything you’re going to regret.” Normani admonished before stepping aside.

“I won’t, Mani. Give me a break.” Lauren sighed.

“Don’t forget that at the end of the day, you’re still Lauren.” Normani said, voice dropping a little softer as Lauren sped off to his room.

Of course he knew he was still Lauren, underneath all the raspy voice and stubbly chin and muscle mass. At least, he hoped he still knew. He didn’t want to get lost in this fake identity that was thrust upon him from a stupid little pill. Everything was just a mess and he wasn’t even sure why he felt so anxious lately. He didn’t like the idea that this body was controlling his actions and he didn’t like the thoughts he was getting about certain people close to him and the alcohol wasn’t helping matters.

As soon as he made it to his hotel room, he slammed the door behind him and leaned against it with a sigh. Camila was in the bathroom, although he was a little concerned seeing how drunk she seemed when they got back to the hotel. Trying to stand up straight without the room spinning out of control, he made his way over to the bathroom and knocked.

“You okay in there, Camz?” He asked, pressing his ear against the door and hearing the shower on.

There was no response, so he jiggled the doorknob and was surprised to find it unlocked. Opening the door, he peered in, to see Camila with her head over the toilet.

“Oh God.” He said, rushing over and pulling her hair back.

He grabbed a hair tie from the sink counter and tied her hair back, giving Camila some time to cough before she wiped her mouth with her arm. She didn’t miss the toilet at least, he thought to himself as Camila leaned against his shoulder.

“Don’t judge meee.” Camila slurred, pouting at Lauren.

“I’m not judging you, Camz.” Lauren smiled affectionately, helping Camila up before flushing the toilet. “And you need to shower.”

The water was running, so he stuck a hand in to make sure it wasn’t too hot. The mirrors were already fogged up from the steam so he let Camila sit down on the toilet. He was used to taking care of his friends after a night of too many drinks, and he supposed that just because he was in a different body didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of being helpful.

“Let’s get you out of your pukey clothes.” He murmured.

Camila complied, closing her eyes and extending her arms out like a child. With a snort, Lauren pulled off her shirt and placed it in the laundry basket. Leaning down, he unzipped the skirt and pulled it off of her waist, folding it neatly and putting it in the laundry basket as well.

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