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→ I would appreciate it if people didn't steal my story, so please don't. 

→ I don't own Naruto or any of its characters (do I look like Kishimoto to you? i can't even draw a stick figure properly, what would make you think that i could draw a whole manga?)

→ Enjoy, and thank you for reading!!

Also, thank you to kindheart2005 (she gave me this idea, so~), DashofYouTube (for helping me characterize everyone and salvaging shikamaru & chōji's characters), -cieuxgris (that crack-fic of hers and the guide), InoYamanaka2020 (she's Ino, duh), chim_komorebi (her works are brilliant, period) and IceCreamJJ (check out her sasuke x reader, it's so good!) for supporting this story. I love you all ❤❤❤!!

Note: All of the users above that I've tagged - everyone reading this should check out their stories if you haven't already, okay?

Note 2: All the artwork in this doesn't belong to me and all credits go to the original artists. I haven't been able to track the image sources down (how do you reverse image search...), so if you're one of the artists, please tell me if you want me to take the artwork down/tag you! Thank you in advance!

Note 3: kindheart2005 made this amazing cover for me and you should all bow to her talent.

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