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Authors Note: FYI the name 'Commander' is just a name to represent you the reader.

"Attention!" The training officer called out, glancing along the row of cadets before him.

"In the beginning humans lived only on the land, all else was unknown. Then, as they began to venture forth into the unknown, they began to create mighty navies to sail with their new fleets. During this time, a small group of sailors and ship builders began the creation of what would come to be the Iron Blood you know today. Though it would take many generations before the prestigious officer corps we have today would be formed. This puts me one step above those pioneers, because I am an Iron Blood officer!"

"And soon you will be, correct?!"

"Yes sir!" The row of cadets responded.

"However!" He started again loudly, "You must first complete your final combat trial before that will happen!"


"Breathe... Just breathe" A young dark haired cadet whispered to himself as he sat on a bench preparing himself for his final test.

"Attention!" He then heard a the training officer's voice call out, raising quickly to his feet.

As the officer entered he glanced at the two rows of cadets before him once again, taking a moment before speaking.

"You will all now be introduced to a ship that will serve as your partner for your final test, and, if you succeed, they will become the first ship under your command as an officer of the Iron Blood"

"At ease" The officer then said in a lower tone, all of the cadets letting out breaths of relief as the Officer headed to the door and opened it.

As he did almost all the cadets turned their heads slightly, noticing a line of destroyers enter the room.

(Cadet in head) "Relax... You've practiced for this test all year..." The Commander thought to himself, not taking too much notice of what was happening around him.

"E-Excuse me... A-Are you m-my Kommandant?..."

He then heard a soft voice ask, bringing him back to reality.

"A-Ah I-I suppose I am~" He responded shakily, not having ever spoken to a ship or even a girl his own age for a long time.

"S-Shall we go over some tactics for our f-first mission?..." The girl then asked.

"Yes, we should I suppose" He then responded with a smile, feeling some of his initial anxiety melt away as he began to focus back on the mission at hand.


After being introduced to their ships the cadets were given the rest of the night to prepare with their ship before they would face their final trial in the morning. As all of the cadets and their new ships left the barracks they all went off in different directions.

"Well, first things first I guess. What should I call you?"

"I'm Z23 Kommandant~"

"Right... So your name is Z23?"

"Ja Kommandant~"


"I-Is something wrong?..."

"N-No it's just that... I'm not really a commander yet"

"W-Well, we were taught to address our Commanding officer as such so..."

"Okay then~" He then responded with a chuckle, noticing that she seemed nervous.

"Danke~" She then whispered, smiling slightly.

"Ah..." The Commander muttered softly, feeling his heart rate increase slightly upon seeing her smile...

"A-Anyway! We s-should discuss how we're going to tackle the mission we have ahead of us"

"Indeed~ I just hope I don't fail you..." Z23 responded with a downcast expression, worry covering her face as looked down at her feet.

"Z23 it's fine, I'm sure you'll be amazing tomorrow~"

Upon hearing his words Z23's head perked up and a smile formed on her face once again.

"S-Same to you..." She whispered, a sheepish expression covering her face as she and him began to look over the maps they had been provided.


"So it looks like I'll be provided information about the enemies initial position which I'm supposed to use to create a plan to secure our objective. I'll then have to work out the best route for you to take through the area that will lead to it..." The Commander spoke, causing a pleasantly surprised expression to form on Z23's face as she zoned out slightly.

(Z23 in head) "He's so confident when he's working, I just hope I'm good enough to serve with him..."

"And then we'll..." The Commander continued, noticing that Z23 appeared to be staring right at him intently.

"Ah..." He muttered, a confused expression forming as he waved in hand in front of her.

"Hello~" He then taunted playfully with a chuckle.

"A-Ah! S-Sorry Kommandant I was j-just er..." Z23 hurriedly answered, realising that she'd just missed most of what the Commander was saying due to her own thoughts.

"Did you miss much? You looked like you zoned out completely there~" He added with another laugh, causing her to blush out of embarrassment.

"I... I'm sorry, I should be paying better attention... I was just... Distracted..."

"It's alright, we can cover it again~" He then responded with a smile, causing her to let out a sigh of relief.


"Well I think that's it, we've gone over everything we can" The Commander concluded with a smile as he got up from the seat they'd been sitting on, stretching his legs slightly as he put out his hand towards Z23.

"A-Ah..." She softly muttered, shakily moving her hand onto his.

As he pulled her up slowly the Commander felt his cheeks redden slightly, his heart rate increasing drastically in pace as he looked down at her blushing face.

(Commander in head) "Just relax, and get your mind away from that! She may look really cute... or even beautiful in this light... But we have other things to be thinking about!" The Commander spited himself, not having experienced this new nervous feeling he felt whenever he cast a glance in Z23's direction.

(Z23 in head) "I'm really glad I got a nice Kommandant like him..."

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