Preparing for Duty

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"So you're starting to really feel better?" Z23 asked as she and the Commander walked side by side through the hospital gardens.

"Yep, things are really starting to look up Nimi"He replied with a smile, making sure to look towards her as he said it. This caused her to look away bashfully as they reached the end of the path and re-entered the hospital.

As they did they saw a pair of Naval officers standing just inside the door way. Z23 and the Commander saluted to them as they saluted back.

"You two are just who we're looking for", one of the officers stated.

"We're here to inform you both that once you are discharged from this place you two will be sent out on active duty. That is all" The other added, quickly saluting before leaving.

"I guess we're going back into the action sooner than we thought..." The Commander muttered to himself, his mind flashing back to what had happened the day the base was attacked and how terrible it felt to see everything destroyed.

"It's okay~" Z23 said with a whisper as she rubbed his back and pulled him aside to a nearby bench, noticing that he was distressed.

"I'm sorry Nimi..." He muttered, wiping his face slightly and letting out a sniffle.

"It's okay, I understand that you've got mixed feelings about going back. I-I... I just want you to know I'll support you no matter what happens!" Z23 stated, raising her voice inadvertently for the last part, closing her eyes as she got more embarrassed that she probably should have.The Commander chuckled at this display and rose to his feet.

"Let's continue our walk then eh?" He asked as Z23 happily jumped to her feet after shaking off her nerves.


(Z23 in head) "I've got to tell him something at least..." She thought to herself as they walked back towards the Commanders room side by side.

"Excuse me?" Another naval officer stated, approaching them just as they neared the door to the room.

"Yes?" The Commander replied, curious as to what they could want now.

"I've been asked to bring you for a quick meeting with the Admiral, he wants to discuss you returning to duty, please come with me"

"Alright then" He replied, starting to go past the door and off with the officer.

"Not you" The officer then quickly stated, noticing that Z23 was following along behind them. "You'll have to wait here until your Commander gets back"

Z23 opened her mouth to say something but stopped as the Commander spoke.

"It's alright, I'll be back soon~ Just wait in my room until then okay?" He asked with a smile, resting his hand on her shoulder.

"O-Okay" She responded.

(Z23 in head) "That smile should be banned!"

---Timeskip: Z23 POV---

After having watched the Commander walk down the corridor and around a corner, Z23 let out a sigh as she entered his room.

"All I wanted was to spend the day with him..."

She sat down on his bed and glanced out the window, feeling a single tear run down her face as she was reminded of how she had found him in this same room such a short time ago.

"After everything that's happened.... I love you" She whispered to herself as she wiped that tear away and laid back on the bed to get comfortable.

(Z23 in head) "I will tell him before we go back"

---Commander POV---

"Ah! The miracle cadet!" The admiral announced as the Commander entered the room."Sir?" He asked as he heard the door behind him shut and the officer from before leave the room.

"You not only completed you training course with your ship, you survived horrific injuries and even managed to save said ship. You're one the most interesting cases of a Commander I've ever seen, and your career has only just begun!" The admiral replied, raising to his feet from behind his desk to shake the Commander's hand.

"I expect great things from you and your ship"

"Thank you sir" The Commander replied as he shook the Admirals hand.

"Now the real reason I called you here wasn't just to tell you what you already know. I'm here to ask how fit you and your ship are for duty as we have a lot of problems areas that need to be addressed but very few capable Commanders and ships that are free to throw at these issues. So I was wondering how soon you think you and your ship will be ready?"

"I thought you decided that sir, you are in command of me and my ship after all"

"That's true" The Admiral said with a sigh.

"But after what you've been through I'm willing to give you a little more time than usual. I understand what it's like for your first taste of combat to be a terrible one on all counts" The admiral then added, glancing out the window at the destroyed harbor and all the work crew frantically working to restore order and repair the damage done.


"When I was a few years older than you, in my first command posting I suffered a major injury from a stray bullet" The Admiral started, moving the collar of his shirt to one side to reveal an old scar around the base of his neck.

"I was lucky to survive, but despite my condition I was sent back into action not long after. Due to my experience I was hesitant to take critical decisions which proved fatal. We had so few Commanders in those days though, we were getting slaughtered. During that time I lost the first ship I ever commanded, she gave her life so that my battle group could get away from an ambush"

"It's this reason I'm willing to work with you to ensure nothing like that happens to you. Now go and rest up, I want to speak with you tomorrow about starting with some non hazardous duty"

"Thank you sir!" The Commander announced, saluting the admiral before leaving the room.


"I'm ba-" The Commander started, stopping as he saw Z23 lying on his bed with her eyes closed. Her chest slowly rising and falling in time with her calm breaths.

A smile formed on his face as he quietly closed the door and draped a blanket over her. He then sat in a chair overlooking the harbor on the balcony and opened up a book to read.

(Commander in head) "I'll make sure nothing happens to you" He thought to himself as he glanced back at Z23 for a moment before returning to reading.

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