Chapter 1

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Eric: U lied 2 me.    

He didn't believe a single thing that I've said. All my efforts have gone down the drain. Wasted. My disappointment in him is pouring out in full force followed by an immense pain in my chest. It seems my heart has exploded into a thousand pieces. Geez... People weren't kidding about how painful a broken heart can be. It's burning my chest so much right now. My knees buckled as tears blurs my vision. I wish... I wish I have never met you.

I didn't know how long I sat crying on the floor. I guess the love that I had for you made me so blind and stupid. Well that's not going to happen anymore! Yes I lied to you but only about my real name which I never told you and I'm not sorry I omitted that fact! I slowly stood up as a resolve has taken over my mind. The pain in my heart had become a little numb. My hands and legs moved on fast automaton. Soon all my clothes were packed in my suitcases and I removed every traces of me from the house. I know your possessiveness means you will be here tomorrow morning for me. Possibly angry at me? Why should I care! As if I want to see if your stupid face again!

I fortunately had savings that will take me far away from this miserable house and start a new life. I don't need your money and I definitely don't need you! It's high time I go back to how I was before I met you. I left my current mobile, the house keys and car keys on the dinner table. The moment my foot stepped out from this house is the moment that you had lost every chance to have me back. Not that I care!

Sitting inside the last bus shuttle out of the city to my destination, I quickly deleted all my current social media accounts using a new mobile that I bought at the bus station. I'm going to use back my old name and his threat of making it impossible for me to find another job anywhere is laughable. Those kind of threats can only be found in romance novels or movies. It's not as if I will do the same line of work. I wouldn't have made this decision if there's no plan B or plan C. I had earlier sent a text message to Gloria saying I'm finally taking up her offer and will arrive tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. I just said man problem and will soon change my mobile number. I'm so glad she is not the curious type.

Arriving at the bus station, Gloria was there with a smile on her face. My dear Gloria. A sob almost spilled out of my mouth but I stopped it in time. Gloria my dear and only true friend. Reliable as always. I felt this immense relief and I didn't realize how much I missed her as I hugged her. "Let me look at you. I've got to say you have become even more beautiful." "I'm so happy to see you again Gloria. I'm sorry it took me so long to take up on your offer." "Oh there's nothing to be sorry about. What's important is that you are here. I truly missed you Alia. Come let's get those things of yours in the jeep. We still have an hour drive to home." Home. Sounds great.

Green Valley. It's a beautiful small town surrounded by valleys of trees. Everything looks so green here befitting the name. The air and scenery are so refreshing. Gloria closed her cafe today just to pick me up. "Here we are. Home sweet home." Looking around Gloria's cafe, "Wow...It's so homey and it feels like it's Christmas here. I love it." It's a medium sized cafe and now... it's my new home. "Why don't you go on upstairs and put your things in the bedroom on the left. You can freshen up and come down when you're ready. You need to be busy..." She stressed on the word busy and looking at her serious expression, I understood what she meant. Be busy and time will heal me from the ghosts of my past.

Days went by so fast that I had to refer to the wall calendar to know what is the current date. I felt so tired every night that I fell asleep the moment my head landed on my pillow but I welcomed it because I was slowly forgetting my bitter past by being productive. Gloria's customers are mostly locals with the occasional stares or inquiries of my identity. It's a small town and right now, I don't really mind. After a while, most of the town's folks gotten used to my presence and they are quite friendly. Since moving out from the orphanage, I took up the name Sarah Johnson. I wanted to start a new life in a new city plus I won't have any family members to object. I have gotten used to my new name that I almost forgot who I really was and I shouldn't have. Alia Demeire. Yes that's me.

I don't want to think about my future just yet. I tried my best to save money for rainy days and I will just focus on that. Not on men nor any kind of entertainment outside the cafe. Maybe not anymore because I just didn't feel the need. Sometimes Gloria would try to say something whenever I declined her offers for a night out together with her friends but she would in the end kept her mouth shut. She would instead hug me, pats my back and say, "You are a strong woman and tomorrow is always a new day. We have each other and I love you."

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