It's time!

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(Y/n) POV

Today is the day! Mewtwo is sending the last invitation to one of the Trainers as i have full control of my teleportation. I distinctive remembered that Mew will come here after Mewtwo create the storm.

Speaking of Mewtwo..... he started acting stranger than usual.

Is kinda like one of those fanfic i read when one of your fav characters acting weird than their usual original self. But me standing here in this world is like FANDOM.

He started getting closer than really close. He's getting more body contact during his teaching and training. He eats next to me during meal time. I don't mind actually but this is the first time i see him eat especially his meals are normal like mine.

For sleeping......oh boy where do i start.

When i sleep, i could have sworn i felt someone is in my bedroom. Something big brush my bang from my face as i sleep. My Physic abilities sense it's Mewtwo but he's more staring at my sleeping form longer than i imagine. He is more fascinate about my hair as he sniff deeply. Before i could bury myself deeper in my comforter, he surprise me as he climb slowly on my bed and hug me from behind. He purrs while caressing my hair with his 3 big fingers suddenly makes me sleepy. I couldn't resist it as my eyes close completely.

And that happens right after he gave me my Birthday gift! Which i am still wearing it right now.

The weirdest part is that i'm starting to feel like maybe i should not plan to leave him after all....



I slap myself to get over with this stupid feeling. Life isn't a Fandom! Nor a Fanfic! I still need to find myself way back home!


I shriek at his sound as i accidentally shoot my shadow ball at the sea. It explode once it hit like a small bomb. At least it's not a Tsunami cause that makes things worse. 

I turn around to see Mewtwo standing behind. When did he stand here!?

"Next time, control your abilities before you accidentally hit any poor unfortunate Pokemon in that sea." he sigh at my mistakes.

" is it, Mewtwo?"

"As you know i have already invite those Trainers to come to my island. I will create a storm to test them if their worthy to fight my clones. But you will have to stay hidden and never reveal to anyone. You will stay in your room until i told you to come out, understood?"

"Yes sir."

Please at my answer he went back inside while i stand at the balcony. I still have to make a breakthrough from all this. Like the ending, Mewtwo and Mew will take all the clone Pokemon to  Mt. Quena.

And me....i will meet Mew to help me teleport to one location somewhere Mewtwo can't find me. This Pokemon world is better than my world. But if i still can't outrun Mewtwo, I will have no choice but to find Palkia or Arceus to open a portal for me to go home.

I hope my plan works.

Suddenly the blue sky covered with black clouds as Mewtwo start the storm. The only place isn't covered it is this island. I could see the cloud made a circular motion just to avoid raindrop.

Then i saw something above the cloud. And it went to the windmill.


Okay! I'll try to telepathy at her....him? Whatever! Here goes nothing.

'Mew!...Mew!....Please i need your help!'

"Yes, human. What help do you need?"

I open my eyes to see Mew herself floating while watching me curiously.

"I need you to teleport me far away where Mewtwo can't find me. I want to be free. Please..."

I pleaded her while she looks at me very cute.


"Because i don't belong in this world. I also want to find Palkia or Arceus so they can send me back to my home dimensions. Can you do that?"

Mew think for a moment then she spoke telepathy.

"Okay! I will send you to that locations! I will also inform them you will meet them right now!"

I sigh in relive.

"Thank you, Me-"

I got cut when Mew teleport me without listening to my thanks.

The moment i land on the ground the area looks different. I'm not on the island anymore. I'm somewhere the mountains with big field.

I smile and jump for the first time. Yes! I finally free!

Now i need to meet the Pokemon God or ancient...whatever. I really need to study Pokemon anime's or manga for this.

Meanwhile at New Island

Mewtwo POV

After i finally understand my mistakes, I carry all the clones and alter their memories. Mew help sending them back to the port. I called (Y/n) to meet me at once. But she didn't reply. I called her again and she still didn't answer.

No....she can't be gone! I teleport to her bedroom hoping she be here sleeping but its empty. She's gone!

Where is she!?

"What are you looking for?"

I turn to see Mew who ask me curious i'm in her room.

"I'm looking for a girl who has the same Physic abilities. Have you seen her?"

"Oh you mean that girl! Yes, i met her before this. She told me to teleport far away from you which i don't know why. And she said she want to meet with the legendary pokemon to get her home."

I was stunt to hear what she said. The human left me! Why....Doesn't she feel happy here? Did i do something wrong ?

No.......i won't allow this! I have to find her!

After i teleport all the clones in different location for their habitat, I ask Mew to teleport me to her. She look at me cute.


"Because she is my human! She's the only human female with physic abilities! She can't leave me like this! Send me to her now!"




"I said no."

"Why the hell not?!"

I never felt grew more infuriate all because of one human.

"Because its her choice if she want to be with you or not. You can't horde her like she is your pet or precious items."

"She is more than precious........she makes me feel.....happy. I don't want to lose her! If you can't help, i will find her before she leave this world completely."

Mew suddenly trap me in her bubble. It's too thick to get me out.

"In that case, i won't allow you. You are being obsess with her."

I concentrate my physic powers manage to break this bubble. But my fury makes me fight Mew to death. All for the sake of me human!

"My obsessions is my desire. She desire me no one can me feel this way! She is MINE!"

I strike her with my shadow ball which she dodge and we continue to fight again.

Yandere Mewtwo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now