Chapter 14

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I just wanna say that this chapter has some smut. I'll put *** when it starts and *** when it ends. If you don't feel comfortable reading smut, feel free to skip this part. My first time writing smut soooo ENJOY LOVIES!

3rd person pov: (cause why not?)

Harry and Louis woke up the next morning and Harry decided to go to a nearby restaurant to have breakfast.

A few minutes later, Louis and Harry were already sitting in the restaurant talking.

Louis was telling some jokes, which was weird cause usually Harry tells the jokes.

"I'm dying Lou." Harry said while laughing his ass off.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Hazza. If you spit your food, I'm gonna lose my shit."

Harry was laughing so hard. He spit out his food and started coughing. "Your face is just-" Louis said while trying to catch a breath.

When Harry finally calmed down, Louis averted his eyes at the other tables in the restaurant due to the stares they were receiving. "It was cute." he mumbled.

Harry blushed wiping his mouth with a napkin and avoiding the intense look Louis was sending him with his soft blue eyes.

"I love you Lou."

"Aaaaand I love you more Hazza."

"So Lou, we're done eating here? Wanna go to the hotel? We'll take a bath, take a rest, then go for a swim."

"And you'll be mine Haz." Louis said with a smirk on his face.


Louis and Harry got into the elevator, and Louis' lips were on Harry's. Harry was pressed against the wall with Louis kissing him.

They finally got to there room. Louis threw Harry on their bed and lay on top of him.

And they shared an amazing kiss.

This kiss.. this kiss was different. Harry had never been kissed like this before. because Louis' hands were everywhere now and his lips were moving with so much purpose. This was a movie star kiss, the one where everyone in the crowd feels it too, a kiss that sent goosebumps all over Harry's body. This was the kiss that deserved to be talked about all the time.

When they pulled back for air, Harry just stared at that wonderful boy with those dreamy blue eyes with wonder in his own, and his bruised lips still felt like they were being kissed.

"Whoa," he whispered lifting his fingers up touching his lips.

Louis let out a breathless laugh. "Princess, I never knew that you could do that."

(some smut, so skip if you feel uncomfortable with reading it.)


"You sure you're ready to do this right now Haz?"

"Yeah I'm sure Lou."

"Well I haven't had it before, but I know it will hurt. I repeat. You sure?"

Harry nodded.

"And Hazza. Whenever you want me to stop, just tell me and I'll stop."

"Okay Lou."

"Now let's take of your shirt silly." Louis laughed fondly, and Harry squirmed when Louis' cold fingers touched his skin, trying to get his shirt off.

"Stopp! That tickles!"  Harry screeched, grabbing Louis' hands and Louis laughed harder, snorts escaping his nose as he tried to pull Harry's shirt off.

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