Chapter 42

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"good morning babe!" harry said and pecked louis' lips. "how is my princess today?"

"tired as fuck. just.. a hangover."

"you were wasted last night, right? i'm gonna get you some water and some pain killers. be right back." harry said.

"here you go baby. drink for hazza bear." harry smiled as he gave louis the glass of water. "and here's some pain killers."

"fanks baby. i love you."

"i love you more. now get some rest babe. then we'll tell our families about our wedding!"

"i can't believe that i'm gonna marry you in 3 days." louis said and pecked harry's lips. "my hazza."

"my lou." harry smiled. "can't wait!"


"okay bye mum. hazzaaaaaaaaaaaaa."


"mum wants us to have lunch with my fam.. at 2:30 ish."

"great. now it's.." harry looked at his phone. "2:07pm. wait what??? less than 30 minutes! i will never get ready on time."

"i'll pick your clothes." louis giggled.

"then help me nowwwww! my hair takes ages!"

"i'll do your hair too." louis smiled.

"can you braid my hair????????" harry asked excitedly.

"babe you know that i can't do that. i can barely comb it."

"i'll teach you. please louuuuuuuuuu!"

"fine! first let's both get ready, then i'll brair your hair babe. cause you may never know how much it'll take me to braid your hair." louis giggled.

"i love youuuuuuu."

"i love you more. now let's pick some clothes for you! it's november so... wear this long sleeved shirt with.. these jeans. it's kinda cold outside."

harry nodded and changed into the clothes that louis picked for him, and louis wore a black shirt with black jeans.

"let's do your hair now!"

"good luck babe! you can do it!"

"sooo what do i do first?"

"grab 3 strands of my hair and place the one on the left between the other two."

"wait what??"

harry giggled. "babe just hold 3 strands of my hair. yup just like that. now put the one on the left-  babe that's not the left!"

"that's complicated as fuck! i give up!"

"babe try one more time. and if you couldn't do it, i'll just put it in a bun. you're holding 3 strands, right?"


"grab the one on the left. don't let go off the other two. after grabbing this one," harry says as he points to the strand. "put it between the other two."

"haz i did it!!"

"i'm so proud of you lou! now grab the one on the right and put it between the other two. yup just like that. and keep on doing it. one time with the left strand, and another time with the right strand."

25 minutes later:

"yup right there. now take this hair tie." harry says and gives it to louis. "oh my god it doesn't look that bad. i'm proud of you cause it's your first time! how was it?"

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