Chapter 19

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Updates with me be like: *Chapter is released* *the second age of Gondor passes* *Three chapters at once are released* and I'm sorry for it.



The Central Park Club is a small, but exquisite building with large window-panes. The interior seems old and rather artificial, arranged in a way that is meant to be picturesque, but only looks theatrical. Some men are sitting at the first tables and play cards. Cigar smoke swirls in blue curls through the air. Through the slowly hovering vapour, one sees another table at the back. Two people are seated, with the stiffness of people that become strangers because of the situation, confused about how much friendly intimacy they can express. Well, at least I certainly am confused. Ada - I don't know. She is like Russian letters. The sign looks familiar, but I have no clue how to read her.

"I am very sorry that I have to put you in this situation" I say finally, and I genuinely mean it. For the last minutes, my nervous hands have been stroking my hair back all the time, just to keep moving.

Ada quits drawing circles into the dust on the table and cocks her head. She wears a large hat with a gaze veil that covers her face - from the drizzling rain or to hide her face remains doubtful - but from her voice, it is obvious that she raises an eyebrows. I guess.

"Do you tell that to anyone you black mail?" she asks, a voice like a knife covered in honey.

I sigh frustrated. "Of course not, Miss Ada, I don't. Please, this is as uncomfortable for me as it is for you."

"So this is different from your usual criminal routine?"

My eyes shoot up and I notice that I made a mistake. "What?"

She bows forward, her elbows on the table. That she is so small is weighed out by the way her face is almost not visible and her voice is easily the most intimidating thing I ever heard. "I must say, my high opinion of you starts to wane. Not because you engage in such affairs repeatedly."


"No. Because you are doing it poorly. It's a wonder no one has caught you yet."

That is maybe the sentence I would have expected least.

"What do you mean?"

An exasperated sigh. "Bollocks, you chose a place that is only sparsely populated and where your name is well known. If we would have met at Kings Cross, no one would have overheard our conversation, and most likely, no one of importance would have seen us together. Secondly, you are absoluetly nervous. You fidget - doesn't really convince me that you could be a threat for me. Also, you didn't check if I maybe brought someone with me, because you were here first. Always come later, then your victim is already nervous and you can check if they are really alone."

My mouth opens in silent protest, but Ada just cocks her head again. Is she giving me instructions?

Ada snorts half-amused, half-endearing when she sees my face going blank in confusion. "And no names. I don't walk around like a veiled odalisque for you to holler my name through the whole room."

"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow. "So this is different from your usual criminal routine?"

Ada leans back, realizing her mistake, and I can't help but smile triumphantly. Hah!


I bow forward, keeping the small distance between our faces. "Why on earth does a young lady from such a honourable family instruct me about the techniques of arranging an -- informative meeting?"

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