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A wonderful evening

The evening was fruitful, really fruitful. He gained two limited edition figures of Ezreal and an unobtainable poster of Ahri. He reaches the stereo happy and turns it on. The music starts, playing the soundtrack created for the Star Guardians, the heroines that fight against the darkness of the universe to make the light of the First Star shine.

He hums the tune when he puts the two figures on his small closet.

Entering the store was easy; it did not even have a security door. The glass fell under the impact of his body, as the guard that should have protected the merchandise. It was a great purchase, and he obtained it with little effort. It has never happened in his life.

He takes the poster, already sheltered inside a frame stolen quickly from a household goods store, and he luckily finds a free spike. That was harder to find. The information was difficult to find; his connections do not know much about the merchandise of the Star Guardians. He had to threaten one of them to ask his daughter, and he had a lead finally. Then, the revelation: a little girl from the eastern quarter had a copy of that poster, even with an autograph. Climbing the stairs to reach her room was hard, but it was worth it; now his wall has a collector's piece.

He sighs, happy, looking at his trophies. Tristana and Veigar would surely envy him.

« Urgot! »

That angry call ruins the magic of that moment.

He turns and is forced to see the dreary garage where he lives. It is an austere place full of electronic and mechanical junks, casually disposed inside some boxes, or on a long table. A small area is used as a kitchen, next to a sofa and a television.

It is a miracle that he could create his corner, colourful and filled with his passion. But it is not his fault; the man in front of him manages that place, and he is just a host. Actually, he is not sure he can define him as a man; most of his body is robotic, so much that maybe it is useless for him wearing that pyjama and robe.

« Could you turn that stereo off? » he asks, hiding his anger poorly.

« But I am putting in place my purchases! I need the right soundtrack. »

« It is bloody four in the morning! Can not you wait until tomorrow? »

« Impossible, » he hisses ominously.

« Could not you even turn that damn music down a bit? »

« No, » he replies harshly, narrowing his eyes.

The man sighs and turns, defeated; he does not want a direct clash with him.

« All right, but hurry up. I do not want to get rid of some neighbours only because they threaten us with a noise complaint. »

Urgot composes himself and starts to hum again, fixing better the poster of Ahri. It was really a wonderful evening.

N.B: I am not a native english speaker, so I am sorry for the mistakes that you will find.

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