𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦

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The guys want to play some board games and because when they do an afternoon of board games, they usually end up playing Monopoly but this time, you went with a game called "Moves" and it consists of doing mimicry and guessing words. You all start playing but after a couple rounds of laughing and shouting between all of you, you decide to go back to the classic Monopoly.

Allison you need to pay for pass and stay on my city -Jack tells Allison asking for her money

But I pay you a few seconds ago Jack -Allison defense herself

It's true Jack -Jonah intervenes

Oh! Sorry. I was in other place I think -Jack apologize s

Everyone on this room think that -Daniel laughs hugging his girlfriend

Haha, funny Dani -Jack looks at his friend with an assassin look

Like always -Allison says kissing her boyfriends on the cheek

The beautiful couple kisses and that makes all the couples in the room start kissing. The only ones who aren't kissing another person are Jack and Jonah, Jack because his girlfriend isn't with them today and Jonah because hasn't got a girlfriend yet or that the group knows for the moment.

Excuse me guys, I need to go to the bathroom -you say standing up from the floor

Okay, but be quick because the game continues -Alliosn tells her

Of course beauty -you say throwing a kiss to your best friend and walking into the bathroom of the first floor

When you walk out, it's nothing changed; Daniel and Allison are still hugging each other, Jonah is shouting to Jack and your beautiful boyfriend is looking at the scene waiting for you to come back. You are staring at them smiling and decide to take a picture of them just because you want to have that memory forever even though Corbyn is not there playing because he went with Christina somewhere.

What do you need to do, baby?? -you ask Zach sitting on the floor again and kissing him on the cheek

Pay the double on his city when his level is one -Zach explains to you

Don't do it -you say looking at the table and studying how the situation is

I know, I'm not going to do it -he replies


Corbyn has a little date prepared for Christina on the beach; but Christina doesn't know about it. It is a surprise he decides to do to show her he likes her a lot and that he wants to be more than friends. When they go into the car, Christina is really confused but Corbyn doesn't reveal where they are going to her.

When they arrive, Corbyn helps Christina get out of the car because she is blindfolded, they both walk a couple minutes carefully so Christina doesn't fall over and when they arrive at the perfect spot, Corbyn puts his hands around her and whispers in her ear to take the blindfold off. When she does it, she smiles and turns around to kiss him on the lips.

Does this mean, you want to be my girlfriend or what?? -Corbyn asks her surprised because she didn't let her ask the question

Of course it does dummy -she says moving his hair around- lets go!!

Christina takes her official boyfriend's hand and runs straight to the cold and freezing water. They have a picnic fresh summer date on the beach while they see the sunset together and listen to some good vibes music in the background to remember the day even more.

After the date, Corbyn drives his brand new girlfriend to her house and he goes to his; where he finds you sitting on the couch eating yogurt ice cream, around blankets crying. He runs up to you, stops the movie you are watching while crying and eating and starts talking.

What happened?? -he asks you worried- why are you crying and eating ice cream?

I really need a reason to eat ice cream and cry on the couch?? -you ask looking at him

Of course not, but i'm worried and i don't want to see you cry, i prefer you happy and smiling -he smiles when saying that to you

I founded out that Zach is cheating on me and he has been doing it for a couple months ago -you cry even more on his shoulder now

Wait, WHAT??!! -Corbyn shouts surprised- HOW!!?? Tell me what happened and how you found out


So -you start narrating the story- i was with Alliosn at my house having fun and talking about everything because we spend too much time together but not at the same time?, you know? -you ask him, he agrees with his head you continue- we were watching our favourite movie. I was recording a story to post and after i did the first picture that came up in my homepage after is a picture of Zach holding hands with this really cute blonde girl

But, you're not blonde?! -Corbyn asks

Good point Sherlock, how long did you take to find it out -you laugh- ANYWAYS, the caption was "two months with the best one" and a red heart. I called Zach so he could explain himself before I could say anything and the only thing he said was "I'm sorry, I wanted to give you that necklace so you could know I'll always be there for you if you need me" and then he broke up with me...


Yepp, through the phone call -you say- I threw the necklace to the bin and I also blocked him in my phone and my social media as well

That is the best thing you could do -he says- I am so sorry, if I could do something to make you feel better...

Corbyn stayed with you watching the movie and you slept in his bed because the movie ended kinda late and you were really tired. Corbyn slept on the couch eventhough you insisted on sleeping in the same bed because his beed is really big.

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