Chapter 11 Dear Relatives

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Astrid's face is childishly amazed, "Oh, no. You could have been anybody, but why does it have to be you?" she says spiritlessly. Thick mist that was a disguise on the stranger's face dissolves in the dampness of the air reviling the distinct features. The sudden realization makes her slow. A moment of hesitation and she is swinging in the air. It seems to me that a huge hand of an invisible giant or an ogre is holding her body. Nina grasps my sweaty hand in fear.

"Just look, Astrid! Look what all this magic rubbish can do! Even I, a weak mage, could make you stick in the air! You! A strong and powerful witch! And what will happen to Billy or baby Sarah if it were not me?"

"What, are you out of your mind? What has happened to you? What would father say if he were here?"

"He would say nothing, Astrid! Father is dead. Dead because of his godforsaken magic and his godforsaken shifters! Why did you get yourself mixed up with one of these animals?

Astrid is speechless. Her beautiful dark hair is disheveled and falling on her forehead and face; her sun and moon earrings and bright bracelets are sadly jingling in the light soft breeze.

I remain in the hidden place; I'm like a ghost, a long lost bobby pin between the divan cushions, an invisible girl under Dad's invisibility cloak. But can one really hide under the cloak that belongs to a mage who is standing on the sandy, scattered with tiny stones and shells shore.

"The only thing I want after father's demise is normal life for my girls: for my wife and my daughters," continues Dad. "You promised not to rely girls into your business. But you are dragging them into this crazy world more and more. Amulets, scary dolls! What's next? Find them animal boyfriends like you did? You even started sending your animals to my house!" he makes a pause, clenching his jaw. "I don't want to find them dead or lost one day. And this day will happen if they continue getting deeper."

"How did you do all this?" obviously, Astrid is trying to buy some time. I can see that she is wriggling her fingers. "How were you able to summon the cloud of bat shifters? They are not easy to deal with; especially, when they are acting against their will. It was you. Am I right?"

"Are not you surprised, dear? You have always underestimated me because of my poor abilities in magic, sis. The fact that I don't want to deal with magic doesn't make me weak and magic disabled!"

"Why all these tricks and intimidations? I already figured out how "great" you are!" she sniffs ironically. "A big mage boy must feel stronger now having erased memories of two little girls, trying to change who they are or who they might become. Billy is a witch, and she will always be a witch. Your magic didn't work on her: you just made your child angry, confused, and lost."

"I just wanted to show girls that magic is evil. But instead of calling me or bringing them home the moment they faced bats, you arranged a nice dinner by candlelight and invited your half blood and an odd squirrel pet!"

"You might have hurt your own daughters having summoned bats. They could be easily out of control!" it's pretty unbelievable, but Astrid's voice remains calm.

"Everything was under my control..."

"Even now when you are technically holding your sister and daughter hostage?"

Dad seems lost.

"Andrew, it is not your fault that father died. It is not your fault that you came home late that day. I now you are grieving, but mother and I are grieving too! And our pain is as big as yours, but we don't do crazy things... Andrew, the portal explosion must have affected you and crushed your spirit. But I can fix it. Just let me help you."

"That's enough, Astrid!"

"No, Dad! You've had enough!" roars Billy. Billy! I totally forgot about my sister! "How could you do it to me?"

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