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(His girlfriend, she was so sweet
That he could almost eat her)

16:12 PM
13 May 2020

Why couldn't he just say the damned words?

Her words echo through his mind like a broken record, playing the hurtful words on repeat.

"Do you love me, Seonghwa?"

He did. Didn't he? He should love her at least, after everything she's done for him.

"I'm tired of dealing with you!"

He was tired of dealing with himself, too.

"Talk to me Seonghwa! What is going on?"

He would if he could, and knew.

"Why are you like this?"

Another enigma Seonghwa couldn't solve, one that he didn't know if he wanted answers to.

"Do you even care about me?"

Without a doubt, yes.

"Say you love me and I won't leave."

Why couldn't he just say the damned words?

She was sweet, she was good, and she was nice. She was his moon and stars and the source of all his happiness, and Seonghwa was foolish enough to let her go.

She was the light at the end of the tunnel, a single flickering torch in the dark, a lighthouse steering him safely away from the shoals and into the harbor.

Seonghwa forgot that you shouldn't place all your love in one person, that you shouldn't rely on a single person for all your comfort and trust.

It'll only break you in the end when they leave.

They did care about each other, and she loved him. Seonghwa might have loved her, too, but he will never know now, what he might have lost by not telling her.

When he pressed her jacket to his face, inhaling the scent of what was once his, the bittersweet memories of their time together floods through his mind.

Her laugh, her hair, her hands, her touch...

"Take a picture of me, Seonghwa!"

She wore a blue dress and black shoes, a white ribbon in her hair that fell softly against her shoulders. Her smile was radiant and sincere. She looked at him with such warmth, fondness, and love. It made his stomach lurch.

He smiled as he took the pictures, capturing what fragments of her beauty that he could through the lens.

Ignoring the ache in his chest, he listened to her bubbling laughter and watched her dress billow prettily in the wind, avoiding his feelings.

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