Chapter 22 : ENDGAME

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The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.


Everything was ready and Rafael was ready to change the world forever as we know it, he asked Ana to use the fountain and drain all the magic.

" I can't do that " Ana said as Rafael asked her again.

" Rafael I said I don't want to " Ana said as he came closer to her and touched her face.

" Love don't worry you are powerful enough to take it all, your power is just as great as mine trust me " Rafael said as Ana realised that conclusion.

" Fine I will do it but not now " Ana said as Rafael agreed giving her an hour during which they could celebrate.

All the Ancestral witches were called by Rafael to celebrate their cause and that it was finally happening and Ana decided to go see her brothers and the Nova's.

" Guys are you okay " Ana said as she went close and felt a very strong barrier that served as a prison for them.

" Ana " River said getting up.

" Wait it's a trap probably evil Ana " Jake said.

" Maybe even the reel Ana but Rafael has her in a love spell " Max said.

" Was in a love spell not any longer " Ana said as they looked at her.

" Is it really you ? " Jax asked her as she nodded.

" Yes it's me and I have only forty minutes before I do a spell I am not even sure I can " Ana said.

" Draining world magic " River said as Ana put her hand through the barrier and drained it's magic making it disappear.
Ana ran to Jax who opened his arms for her.

" I missed you " Ana said.

" I missed you to " Jax said as River cleared his throat.

" We will talk later but now we are in a jam " Jake said as they smiled.

" Yeah I have a plan " Ana said.

" What is it ? Cause we don't have time " Max said looking at the door.

" I will do what he wants and then I will kill him" Ana said.

" How so ? " Ma asked.

" I am going to summon all the magic on Earth here and I will use it to kill him " Ana said.

" That's going to be alot power and you could go nuclear " Jax said

" Yes I know that but if I die then the devil will to die ! but before that happens, you guys stall the witches " Ana said as Jax refused.

" I won't let you die our daughters are not born we haven't had enough time together we are changing the future to early it's not right" Jax said touching Ana's face.

" I know everything is going to change but i believe in my self and my power to see this through and if I don't make it! I hope you take care of Alex " Ana said as a tears came out of her eyes.

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