'I'm innocent!'

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A nation wide brodcast fills screens all around the world and a lady is shown on screen.
'Hello everyone! The annual target hunt is currently in work grab your guns and knives as the hunt begins!"

A young werewolf by the name of Keeley walks by a village.
"What's all the cheering about? Probably some stupid football match or something."
"KEELEY BACK INSIDE!" yells keeleys mum from the den.
"Ugh fine!"
"Thank you!"
Just as Keeley heads towards her den a gunshot is fiered inches from her face.
She stands there.
5 seconds go by
Thoughts race through her mind.
What was that? Why was it so close? Should I run?

She had no time to figure things out she had to get away. NOW.


She couldn't..


She didn't..

Another gun shot followed by a scream she turns and sees her mother laying half dead on the floor...

Tears. Followed by heartbeats

One. *Badump

Two. *Badump

Three. *Badump

Sudenly. Rage.
Rage filled every thought, tear and tremble...
She looked up. A man with his daughter. She was around the same age as Keeley.
The man held the gun pointed at Keeley dead senter between the eyes. She felt some sort or rush as she ran at him. He was completely still like he was frozen moving barely a scentameter every twenty seconds. He wasn't frozen. She was moving incredibly fast. She grabbed his gun and pointed it at the back of his head. She thought she could do it. But no. She couldn't stand the thought of having taken someone's life. So instead she hid it. And like magic things went back to normal

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