'the spark...'

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Keeley looks into Leah's eyes with curiosity.

"Your not gonna kill us are you?"
"What I would never do such a thing!" Leah snapped
"Why." She starred more making Leah uncomfortable.

"I-i, I DONT KNOW OKAY?! I-i just  feel like.. i- can trust you..."

Keeley stopped starring and looked at the floor.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She said shy-ly.
"N-No." She said clearly lying
"Nonsense I'll go make you something!" Keeley said

30 minutes later

"Hey! Can you come help me?" Keeley called
"Hm? Yeah of course."

She walked into the kitchen

"Hey! Can you start by making some bread?"
"Uh I don't know how to..'leah said unconfidently
"I'll help you!"

An hour passed

"Perfect!" Keeley gleamed "mom's favourite! You did great!"

"B-but I only did the b-bread!"

"Well it looks tasty!"

"What did you cook anyway?"


"ARE THOSE PANCAKES?! They look so pretty like you spent like 10 hours on them!" Leah said amazed

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"ARE THOSE PANCAKES?! They look so pretty like you spent like 10 hours on them!" Leah said amazed

"There just a tie over! This was just thrown together I'll make actual dinner\tea later!"

Leah looks into keeleys eyes and sees some sort of spark. Keeley seemed really passionate about cooking.

"What was the bread for?"

"Oh I just needed you to make yourself useful! That'll be eaten when we feel like toast or soup!"

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