Part 4 - Claw, Tooth, and Eye

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Teeth were embedded into the tod's black neck fur as he fought back, tearing clumps of fur from his attacker's shoulder. Claws flashed, teeth were bared. The other fox growled and loosened its hold. Seeing an opportunity, Lucky yanked himself away, feeling the fur rip as he ducked, whipping around and aiming for the opponent's legs, sure that he'd make a hit and knock them down.

But no one was there.

Lucky stood up straight, puzzled. He idled in an empty forest, so thick that he couldn't see the sky from where he stood. The air was stale, not rich and green. No- he wasn't quite alone. Across the glade was a whimpering figure, laying on the layer of leaf mold. His ears were erect as he listened to the stranger. "Hello?" the black tod said, padding cautiously up to it. The scent of blood was thick in the air. The other fox's pelt was streaked with crimson, and it was unconscious, not even aware that Lucky was there. Their claws were torn and bleeding. Lucky wondered what injury this stranger had acquired to put him in such pain. He paced gingerly to the other side and saw it- metal jaws clamped tightly onto its hind leg, twisted unnaturally. Dried blood coagulated around where the teeth were embedded into the flesh. The fox gagged. Now Lucky could see the scours in the earth where it had tried escaping, causing the claws to tear out and bleed. Holding back his disgust, he ducked next to the mangled leg and started knawing at the twine that held the jaws fast to the earth, hoping that it may loosen its hold. The stranger stirred, letting out another pained whimper. "Faniil."

Lucky halted. That voice was familiar. He crawled up to the stranger's head and studied the features. His heart stopped. "Flash?" He gaped, a stake of pain stabbing through his heart at seeing his brother like this.


Then there was the sensation of falling. Water arced through his fur, and he choked on it as he tried to take a panicked breath. He thrashed wildly, trying to get to the surface of the rapidly moving water. It roared in his ears. The bottom could not be felt, and the surface felt infinitely far away. He wanted to scream for help, but he could not. The water would swallow him. Lucky's lungs ached and his frantic movements became feeble and slow.

Amber eyes gazed down on him from above, watching him as he sank, the river pulling him deeper and deeper into its clutches until his vision began to blur. I'm going to die.

"Swim!" A voice commanded Lucky, yanking him back to his senses. He stretched his neck to look up. The surface of the water was many lengths above him now. He felt a horrible, useless helplessness. "Swim!" It repeated, louder this time.

Lucky felt strength ripple through his limbs, and he narrowed his eyes, pulling against the water. The eyes continued to watch him as he climbed.

Finally, his head broke the surface, and he gasped.

* * *

"Wake up."

StarWatcher: Book 1 - The Rose and The RiverWhere stories live. Discover now