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As a trainee then an idol, Park Jimin learnt early on that while every step is hard, some days can even be tougher. Yet at this moment, laying down on the wood floor of the dance studio with his muscles burning from the gruelling practice he put himself through, he considers that the whole day might have gone straight for hellish.

This is pretty much his train of thoughts as Taehyung then Jungkook dogpile on him in a sneak attack. As the air rushes back into his lungs, he blindly slaps at his laughing members anywhere he can reach them.

Jungkook is the first one to pull out of the melee and playfully orders, "Ok maknae line, let's get a move ! Everybody's ready to go home."

"Maknae line ? Look who's talking," teases Jimin while straightening his clothes, then suddenly he launches himself on his back for a piggyback ride to the car.

Looking back on his day, it had been accurate to dread the consequences of their night out after their ISO performance. With what amounted to a one-hour nap instead of a full night sleep, followed by the very awkward start at breakfast, nothing went right for him afterwards. On the other hand, by mid-morning Yoongi, Jin and Jungkook were back to their normal self and sailed through the day like nothing happened.

As for Jimin, he dragged himself through every assignment and managed to be even later than usual. After arriving at the company this morning, he made a beeline for the medical office to check in as promised the night before, which in turn made him miss the beginning of the group's dance practice. He then insisted on practising some more on his own until well after lunch hour, to the point where Namjoon had to drag him to Big Hit's auditorium for their acting workshop.

When mid-afternoon came around, they switched back to physical activities and went together to use the gym, where again Jimin was a mess. First he had Jungkook lift him up until he could grab the bars of the pull-up station, then he miserably failed to do more than a handful of them before crumpling down in a burst of laughter. He then moved to the treadmill before giving up altogether, opting instead for some more practice time in the dance room where there were "no device intent on maiming him". As he gave himself up to the music and the dance moves flowing out of him, he finally managed to shake himself out of the funk that had been following him all day long.

Now that they all are on their way home, Jimin resents himself for delaying his team's training and not being on par with their expectations. The guilt he feels threaten to overwhelm him at times, and he tries his hardest to hide it by being even goofier than usual. His only relief today is that he managed to postpone the embarrassing talk about last night's adventure, at least until they went home. Even now, in the silence of the car, he still can't remember much more than blurry images, similar to the streetlights flashing on his face. On top of that, he has to contend with having felt useless all day long.

Why their management allowed this outing, less than 48 hours after the "flirting video" was spotted on the social networks, still puzzles him. Granted, their pre-tour schedule is going to be merciless but why the unexpected generosity ?

Namjoon, riding shotgun to Manager Sejin, suddenly turns around on his seat and straight away asks, "Jimin, what did the medical staff say this morning ? You never told us."

"Because there was nothing much to say," he answers reluctantly. "The cramps in my leg are gone so the medicine did its job. As for why I can't remember clearly last night, they say it is probably a mix of the pills I took, the day's exhaustion... and maybe a tiny bit too much of alcohol ?" he concludes, holding his index close to his thumb, as if measuring something.

Hearing his answer, Jungkook moves to the edge of his seat so he can reach his friend from the back row and playfully flicks his head. "Don't be cute, they warned you to be reasonable !"
A dumbfounded Jimin turns to him, holding his head with both his hands to prevent another attack. "Excuuuuuse-me ! Why did you do that, it hurts !"

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