A Direction Unknown to Me: A One Direction Fan Fiction

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I lay in my bed surrounded by handmade clothes and posters of my idols. My mom's been bugging me to clean my room, but right now I'm too lazy to move. I fall into this peaceful state of mind often when I block out my life and imagine what it would be like to live another's.  

My life is hard, I'll admit that. We don't always have the money for bills and food, but we have our little house and we always have the necessities. I make my own clothes and cook my meals. Mom's too busy working all day to come home at midnight and do anything besides sleep. It’s just as hard for her as it is for me, yet people seem to blame her because she’s never there, but in my opinion she’s taught me how to be truly independent and strong. My dad left us when I was 8. I'll never forgive him for that. Because of his leaving us, I work most days to help our economic stability. I can’t be a normal teenage girl.

I imagine that's why I enjoy stories so much. When I'm reading a book, I can leave my painful, poor world and live in fantasy with happiness and hope. Not that I’ll ever have that, or anyone else for that matter, but I have a chance at anything I work for, as my mom says. Real world or not, I'll always have hope. 


I shrug my book bag onto my shoulder and walk out the door, immediately greeted by a friendly honk and a small, green bug car with a perky, peppy driver. She's my best friend and her name, Sunny, suits her. When we were little my mom would call us the Sun and the Starr.  

"Did you hear about One Direction? They're playing in concert in LA...Friday night! Oh I wanna go SO badly!!!" 

I rolled my eyes and giggled at her enthusiasm, "Well it is nice to dream, but LA is about 5 hours away and the tickets are already sold out by now. Besides, I don't really want to go to see them. I'm not all that interested." 

She stared at me with her eyes wide open, "Not interested? In One Direction?!? Oh my god. Then we definitely have to go. If somehow we end up with tickets, promise you’ll go, even if you dislike them." 

I knew it was never going to happen. "Okay, fine. Now can we get to school?" 

She smiled, "Yay!" and started the car. 


When we got to school we were immediately greeted by what Sunny calls "my fanclub", also known as Brock Weathers, the popular guy in school. He hates being rejected and can't seem to understand why I always reject him. Every day he comes up to me in the hall and flirts with me. 

"Hey babe. How's it going?" He said in his usual arrogant voice, blocking my path. 

"Fine." I said, trying to head to class.  

"Now babe, come on. There's no need to rush. Unless you don't want to know what I have for you." 

He'd never said that before. I was curious now. "You have something for me?" 

"Now you're interested huh? Well I have two One Direction concert tickets with backstage passes for Friday night. Do you want them?" 

I almost said, "No. I don't want them" but I thought of Sunny and how much she wanted to go. "Sure." 

He smiled, "You can have them.....after you go on a date with me. Today after school. No excuses. See you then babe!" 

I ground my teeth. This was going to be a long day. 


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