Once Three are One

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I was in the woods. It was dark and the full moon only barely peeked through the thick foliage. I was running, my hair, tangled with leaves and dirt, flying in my face. My bare feet hit the ground hard, I barely felt the cuts of the occasional sharp rocks. All I could think was run. My heart was beating in my throat and my breath was ragged and heavy. Just a little further! You're almost there. Suddenly, my long white dress caught in a branch and jerked me to the hard ground. I scrambled to get up and frantically whipped my head around to look behind me. Who am I running from? I didn't know. All I knew was fear. I kept running, looking back for my pursuers. I was close, I could feel it. I know that tree! Almost there, almost. A hysteric smile  spread on my face as I looked back once more to make sure I still had my head start when I slammed into a body right in front of me. As I looked up to see the persons face the light from the full moon blinded me. Wait. The moon? I thought I was still in the woods?

Slowly other sounds started to seep in. Beeps from a machine and muffled voices arguing. My eyes fluttered open to the blinding light of flickering fluorescent lights. I was lying on a white cot in a clean, white room that smelled of disinfectant. This must be the nurses office. I tried to sit up and groaned at the sharp pricking pain I felt behind my eyes. My vision blurred for a moment from the effort. Once it cleared I realized that a second one of the five cots was occupied.

Hope. What was she doing here? She was lying on the cot, apparently unconscious. I debated waking her up but a small reminder of her gloating, snarky comments made me reconsider.

Instead I focused on the muffled voices I could hear. The door was slightly ajar and I could hear two men arguing.

"Oh no please, keep explaining how you endangered the lives of my daughter and my- my friend for the greater good!" That was Klaus. I couldn't help but huff at the friend part.

"I know it looks reckless but I promise you it was necessary! You didn't understand the gravity of the situation! You would've left tomorrow," Thomas? I frowned. Why would he... do whatever it is he apparently did to me and Hope, of all people? What was his endgame here?

"Oh, we're still leaving!" I could hear the smirk in his voice. But there was still that anger there. Always anger. His default.

"You can't be serious?" Thomas sounded desperate, "after all this, you'll still deny what's happening?"

"I could've handled things if it was just Emma, but Hope?" His voice cracked slightly, "I am not involving her in any of this!"

"You have no choice! She's the messenger!"

What? What the heck was that?

I heard a stirring and a small groan coming from Hope's bed. I considered for a moment. Knowledge is power so I quickly slipped back into my cot and closed my eyes.

I heard Hope moving and groaning, probably finding the same pain behind her eyes as I did.

"Dad?" She called. Her voice was strained and weak. But he heard her.

In an instant I could feel him at her bed. I could smell his deep and sharp fragrance.

"Hope! How are you feeling, darling?" So much concern in his voice.

"Ok I guess, I have a killer headache, though. Worse than any hangover," I could hear a smile in her voice at the last part.

Klaus scoffed, "Right, I'm just going to ignore that."

I sat up as well. Klaus was kneeling beside Hopes bed, who had lain back down. He was stroking her hair. At the commotion caused by me sitting up he turned to me. He smiled but there was something... off.

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