You're Acting like a Child

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There was an awkward silence as Klaus just stared at Thomas. He looked like he was ready to bite the poor mans head off.

"Well, um," I tried to interrupt the awkwardness, "so if we don't get rid of them then what do we do?"

Thomas looked at me, relief spreading in his face.

"Well, let me just start with telling you a little about the Seelies," Thomas beckoned us to the big table he had sat at moments before.

"Please do," Klaus murmured, while he lightly touched my back leading me towards the empty chairs across from Thomas.

There it was again. The hand. On my back. I couldn't help but get giddy, it felt like every nerve ending he was touching exploded with electricity.

"You ok?" Klaus whispered to me. He had noticed me tensing up.

"Mhm," I couldn't look at him.

"Alright! So Seelies are basically like Fairies," Thomas started.

Fairies. Right, why not? At this point I don't know why I'm even surprised anymore.

"Honestly, it's hard to say anything about them. I mean I'm a professor of mystical History-"

"So we've heard," Klaus interrupted, under his breath.

Thomas continued: "- and even I had never heard of these beings before Rick told me about you guys. I started to research and found a couple books that mention them in passing but nothing extensive. It seems that either they are on the verge of extinction and that's why no one knows about them or-" he paused.

"Or what?" I asked, leaning forward.

"Or there keeping to themselves for a reason."

"Ok so what could you find out, though? What about the Queen thing?"

"Right," Thomas smiled at me, making me blush, "so the Seelies are a matriarchy. Women rule there exclusively and often have stronger powers than the males of the species. Males are mostly used to lure young female humans to the clan."

"What for?" I asked.

"Well, the reports on that are pretty vague so I'm not sure," he rifled through some loose papers on the table that were filled with hand drawn diagrams and elaborate calligraphic writings. "But I did find more on the Queen thing. So apparently there was a prophecy of a Seelie Queen. She existed way back in the 1200s and then disappeared. Since her disappearance, there have been fewer and fewer reports on Seelies, so whatever made them recede from the mortal world must have had something to do with her."

"But if this Queen lived in the 1200s then how come this vampire said I was her?"

"Well the prophecy states that the Queen is reborn and when she is finally reunited with the clan she will bring them prosperity and power."

"But how could I be a Seelie? I don't have any powers or anything," I interjected.

"And what would a Seelies powers be exactly?" Klaus added.

"From what I can tell they are mainly energy workers and manipulators. They can make people around them feel whatever they want and they use their words and their wiles to trick mortals. Once they have you under their spell, they have you do their bidding."

"Well I can't do that," I laughed. This whole thing was ridiculous, I stood up suddenly, making my chair scrape loudly on the wooden floors, "I'm not some reborn, energy witch! I'm an English student! And I still have a short story to write. Which you have given me quite enough inspiration for."

I turned and walked towards the door.

"It's not a story Emma," Thomas stood up, "I would take this seriously if I were you. The Seelies are not to be messed with. I told you you couldn't get rid of them?" I nodded, "I meant that. The Seelies are charming but ruthless. If they want something, they will get it. And from what I understand, they want you."

"That's quite enough," Klaus got up now as well.

He walked over to where I was standing at the door. He reached behind me and opened the door for me.

"Thank you for your help," I said and walked out of the room.


Back in our room I was sitting at the small desk on my computer. I really had to finish this short story or Mrs. Nisse would have my head.

I was typing away about fairies- yes Thomas truly had inspired me- but I just couldn't focus. I kept glancing up, looking at Klaus. He was lying on the bed- the only bed in the room- typing furiously on his phone. I could see his brow furrowing as he was reading something. He looked intense- and beautiful.

"So we're not going to talk about it?" I slammed my computer shut. I couldn't concentrate anyway.

He glanced up slightly from his phone, one eyebrow raised questioningly. I could feel my heart racing at his fervent stare.

"Talk about what?"

My god he was infuriating! I rolled my eyes.

"You know," I said, he still just looked at me, his expression never wavering.

"The kiss," it took all my self-restraint not to shout those words at him.

He sighed and closed his eyes.

"I thought I'd made our relationship very clear, Emma," he sounded exasperated.

"Oh yeah, no it was very clear. Until the part where you kissed me!"

"I-I don't know what to say. I just got caught up in the moment. It had nothing to do with you. I'm sorry."

I was taken aback. I couldn't believe the callousness in his voice. Him insinuating it could've been anyone there with him. Anyone he would touch with his softness. Anyone, whose lips he would brush with his. Anyone, anyone at all. That connection, the spark, the electricity I felt- all worthless.

"So you make a habit of kissing girls you don't even like?" Tears were stinging in my eyes but my anger outweighed my frustration.

"You're acting like a child!" He stood up from the bed and walked over to me. His voice was hoarse and his eyes were flashing in anger.

"Because you're treating me like one!" I shouted back at him, walking toward him.

His eyes were fixed on mine. Anger was in them but also that softness again- and a spark of something else.

His hands found their way onto my hips and his touch electrified me.

"Emma," his voice was a hoarse whisper.

"Shh," I murmured, my arms snaking around his neck.

He was bringing his face down to mine and I could almost feel those lips on mine once again- when suddenly, the door swung open with a loud bang.

We sprung apart and Klaus pushed me behind him.

A young woman calmy walked into the room. She was beautiful with dark blonde hair and blue eyes that looked all too familiar.

"So when were you going to tell me that you're here?" She looked at Klaus, anger in her eyes.

His stance relaxed when he saw her but the tension in the room only grew.

"It's good to see you, Hope."

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