The Rise of Sping

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The remaining warriors of Middle-Earth and Westeros couldn't believe their eyes as they witnessed the Army of the Dead finally stopped moving. The White Walkers exploded into thin air and the wights collapsed to the ground. Then the ice dragons finally flew no more and crashed landed onto the ground. And much to Gandalf's relief, the balrog no longer had its blue flames and it fell down dead like the Balrog of Morgoth.

"Victory! We have victory!" Eomer cried.

Everyone cheered, feeling proud of their victory against the dead. Then Sansa, Missandei, Shireen, Frodo, Samwise and the people they supported came back from the forest. The warriors were grateful to see their families and friends still alive and unhurt.

Grey Worm was very relieved to see Missandei, the woman he loved so much, in one piece. They embraced and kissed.

Davos was beyond joy once again to see Shireen alive and safe. She was just as happy to see that he survived what might have been the deadliest battle ever in the history of Westeros.

Sansa was delighted to see her sister Arya alive and well, but deeply devastated when she discovered that King Jon Snow was dead. They hugged each other and cried their eyes out as they mourned for their cousin Jon and their brother Bran.

Then Aragorn approached them. "I am so sorry for your loss, Lady Starks," he said, "but there is still so much to do. Gandalf will tell us about it now."

Still feeling devastated over the lost of their family, the Stark sisters followed him and everyone else to gather around Gandalf.

"You have all fought very well," the wizard said. "The evil force has been completely destroyed. Westeros, Middle-Earth and everywhere are now safe from it. But we still have so much to do before we celebrate our victory. We must gather all of the dead bodies – both allies and enemies. We must give them a well-earned send-off. Then we must decide the future monarch of the Seven Kingdoms. The sooner we start, the better so let us begin."

Everyone got to work picking up all the dead bodies.

Among the dead not turned into wights were Lady Lyanna Mormont, Lord Beric Dondarrion, Theon and Yara Greyjoy, Jorah Mormont, Eddison Tollett and the Hound. While everyone else was gathering the dead and getting them ready for their pyres, Samwell, Samwise and Frodo were very busy checking who was still alive or dead and treating the wounded as best as they could.

All three of them did all they could for King Jon Snow, but their friend was finally dead. Gandalf used all of his healing powers to help Jon, but he was no more successful than the three healers.

"Gandalf, you brought him back to life before," Sansa said tearfully. "You can do it again. You must!"

"Not this time, I fear, Sansa." The wizard tried one last time and sadly had to accept that Jon Snow, Aegon Targaryen, was dead.

Then Pippin arrived. "Everyone that's dead is on their pyres. We're ready when you all are."

"Leave room for one, Peregrin Took," Gandalf said. Then he turned to Sansa, Arya and Samwell. "I am sorry for this. I will leave you to say your last farewells to him. Come, hobbits."

Gandalf and the hobbits left Samwell and the Stark sisters with Jon Snow.

Samwell approached him first. "Jon, you were the best friend I ever had and could ever ask for. You believed in me when no one else did. You were more my family than the entire Tarly family together. It was great knowing you, helping you and fighting with you. I wish you the best of luck in the next life. Farewell, Jon." With tears falling out of his eyes, he got up and walked away.

Then it was Sansa's turn. "I don't care that you are Aegon Targaryen and you are our cousin. To Arya and me, you are Jon Snow and our brother. I always viewed you as such and I always will. Godspeed, Jon." She tearfully kissed him on the forehead and walked away.

Last but not least, it was Arya's turn. "Jon, like Sansa, you were always my brother and I really loved every second being with you. I will miss you. Goodbye." She tearfully held his hands one last time before Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arrived to carry Jon's body to his pyre.

Aragorn, Legolas and Samwell carried the body while Gimli tried to comfort the Stark sisters.

"You're both being very brave lassies," the Middle-Earth dwarf said.

After Jon was loaded onto his pyre, Sansa went to it as she carried a flaming torch. Many others, including Tyrion, Arya, Brienne, Podrick, Bronn, Davos, Shireen, Samwell, Gendry, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir and the hobbits, had flaming torches and stood by the pyres holding many of their beloved family and friends.

"We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters," Sansa said. "To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. Our fellow men and women from both Westeros and Middle-Earth. All that had set aside their differences... to fight together... and die together so that others might live. Everyone from both our lands owes them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty and our honour to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their like again." She turned to the corpses on the pyres. "Godspeed to you all and thank you for all you have done." She lit the pyre closest to her and watched her cousin Jon Snow disappear in flames.

Everyone carrying a torch lit the pyres and watched all the brave warriors vanish into flames.

After an hour of watching their deceased family members and friends become hot ash, it was time to move on. Gandalf told the hobbits to make their famously delicious meals for the starving people while he took all the remaining important people of Westeros to meet in the council room in Winterfell, along with Aragorn, Eomer, Legolas, Gimli, Eowyn and Faramir.

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