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Please go away, I don't know how to help you.

For two months, ghosts had been haunting Harvey, asking what happened, pleading that he'd tell their families they were gone.

Only, it was safe to assume that most of their families were also dead.

Eventually, Harvey gave up listening to them and let his brain kind of filter out the noises of the dead, kind of like white noise.

After a while, he noticed that a majority of the spirits had already left and once the constant noise in his ear was gone, it was actually kind of lonely.

So Harvey started to approach spirits, in hopes of having someone to talk to.

Only, this time, when he approached a spirit, there was a glowing string that attached to a nearby girl's body.

"Hey," Harvey said, tentatively.

Oh, you can see me.

"Yeah. Did you just die?"

No, no, just still hanging around. I guess I never got used to the idea of being dead even though I literally died two weeks ago.

"Oh, that sucks. How did you die?"

Got run over by a car. Pretty lame, I know.

Curious, Harvey reached out and plucked the thread between the spirit and body.

Suddenly, the ghost let out a little gasp.

Do that again.

"What did it do?"

Just do it again.

So he did, and suddenly, the thread and ghost vanished. Across from him, the body stirred.

"Shit dude, did I just bring someone back to life!?"

The ex-corpse sat up and tried to stand on shaky legs.

"It's you," she said slowly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, what just happened?"

"I guess . . . when you touched the thread, I felt . . . I felt my body again. And then this happened."

"Whoa okay, this is weird and new and jeez, man, I can bring people back from the dead? Holy crap."

"Thank you, I-"

Harvey suddenly felt a wave of nausea wash over him and he had to sit down on the edge of the sidewalk to stop the world from spinning.

The reincarnated girl's voice was fading and then, her body fell and she was a spirit once more.

Hey, medium dude.

Mister, you should probably go back to your house. You don't look too good.

Harvey felt a cold touch on his shoulder, where the ghost had touched him. It brought him back to reality with a jolt, and he stood up again.

"Um, sorry about that. I mean, that you have to go back to being dead."

No, it's okay. I think I've finally come to terms with it. And I already died. I shouldn't have a second chance, my time has already passed.


And with that, the spirit was gone.

a/n: surprise surprise tapL has joined the party yayyyyyy

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