[❤️️]Modern! Edward Hyde [❤️️]

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"Bloody hell! Edward?!" Henry shouted at the smaller man, who was rummaging through his fridge. "I'm thirsty," Edward replied calmly, throwing out everything in the fridge. "You can't just go through my fridge like it's yours!" Henry walked over to Edward, grabbing his hood, and pulling him away. Edward had a full jug of milk in his hands, his claw-like nails fiddling with the cap.  "This is why we should never have invited that brat!" Hastie interrupted from the living room. "All he does is cause trouble to every Christmas dinner we hold! God, where is Y/n?" 

Utterson set his book down to look at Hastie. "She's running a little late." "Well, she better get here quick until Edward literally kills someone!" Utterson narrowed his eyes at him. "Don't give him any ideas." "No, I'll just have 911 on speed dial! Where is Y/n?!" "She's running late as my cousin said!" Enfiled piped in. "And she's literally running-"

Just as he said that knocking was heard, and Enfield opened the door. It was Y/n alright. "I'm-" She started then Hastie cut her off. "-Late, we know, Edward has been off his rails the entire night!!" "No need to take it out on her, Hastie.." Utterson calmed. "Where is he?" Y/n asked, knowing if Hastie is upset, it was serious. 

"In here!" Called Henry from the kitchen.  Henry and Edward were semi-wrestling, Henry had his arm locked around Edward's neck as he started chugging the milk as it got everywhere. "Eddie!" What are you doing?!" She said distressed as she rushed over to the kitchen. "Thirsty." Was all he said, and he kept on chugging. "I swear, that man isn't even human!" Hastie yelled again. 

"Eddie, how about we get you down from there-" She took Henry's arm off of him, and Edward fell to the ground. "Drinking all that milk isn't that good." She said, taking the jug away from him.  She bent down and wiped his face with her sleeve. "Sometimes I feel like your mother.."

Edward let out a little cackle. "Look at you, it's all over your clothes! Come on, we're gonna wash it off." She grabbed his arm and dragged him all the way to the bathroom, and shut the door. She grabbed a wet rag, and started wiping the milk off of his black V-neck and blood-red hoodie, and would wipe his chin as well. "Honestly, every gathering we have, you always do something, something that I always have to clean you up for! Why?!" 

His piercing gaze would suddenly soften at her. "Because...It's the only way people actually...care." He said those words without a hint of sadness, but Y/n could tell he was saddened by the truth he had spoken. "None of the other guys enjoy my presence, I can tell, it's rather fun sometimes, annoying them, but it really just makes them hate me more, I honestly don't even know why I annoy them, but they always come to you for help, and instead of you treating me with the same anger and aggression they do, you give me kindness and care. It feels...nice. It's a nice change of pace..I'm usually out there in the world, trying to stir up some adventure and some trouble, but, I'm always alone. With you, I feel less-lonely, really." 

"You just wanted a friend?" She'd ask, softly. "Don't make it sound so dumb and childish! But...Yes, I guess that's what I was after. A friend." Y/n smiled. "Well, you're in luck, because I'm the only person who's willing to put up with you, and I enjoy it." Edward had a soft gaze and a smirk on his face. "Well, Eddie, we should get going before they ask where we are." She got up to leave the bathroom when Edward grabber her wrist. "Wait- You always insist on me coming to these events despite everyone not wanting me here, why is that?"

She'd smile at him. "Because you're my friend." Edward lighted up. "What's something a friend does, to show their appreciation?" "Usually this." She'd walk over and hug him. He froze and she let go. "How about something like this?" He placed his cold hands on her warm cheeks, and he brought her face to his where brought his lips to hers, and then he let go. She'd stammer. "T-that's for more-then-friends people.."

He brought his leg up and it rested against the bathroom door where Y/n was pinned. "I don't fully understand the concepts of human interaction that much, but, I know that my relationship with you isn't just a "friend" thing, Y/n. It's something else I can't put my finger on...I..."

"...Love?" She inquired. "So that's what it's called." He placed his hands on her shoulder and lowered his leg. "I love you, but you don't have to." "But I do!" "Wh- Why?" "I see you, a man, who needs a little love in his life, and I'm willing to provide..because I love you." "I love you too. I like saying that..Love..I love you." Y/n giggled and Edward chuckled. " They both laughed for a moment before staring into each other's eyes and leaning in for another kiss when someone suddenly knocked on the door. 

"Edward? Y/n? Everything okay?" It was Henry's voice, and without letting them reply, he opened the door, and the two fell out of the bathroom onto each other. Edward scrambled off of Y/n and brought her to her feet. "Yes, we're fine, we'll join you in a moment, Henry." And Edward shoved Henry to the staircase, and Henry shrugged, going back downstairs to the others. 

"Sorry about that, but, let's get going as you said." Y/n nodded, and they went downstairs. "Looks like Y/n really calmed him down," Utterson muttered. "About time..." Said Lanyon. They both sat down with everyone else, joining in on the conversation. After some laughter, Edward looked at Y/n. "Y/n?" "Yes?" "I love you." And everyone fell dead silent.


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