Bathroom Break

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Deku let out a slight giggle at this and made Bakugou blush. Barely visible. But still visible. Visisbe to Uraraka who stared at bakugou with a pissed expression...


~Uraraka's POV~ (I know, havent done this pov yet)

Did he? Omg. Is Bakugou gay? Is he gay for M Y  B O Y F R I E ND?! Well I dont really have proof except for a very slight blush. Deku also went to talk to him alone earlier. Im overthinking it. It might just be because of our fight I think this. Deku isnt gay anyways. Neither is Bakugou. Right?

~Bakugou's POV~ 

I think round face noticed my face. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. I quickly lower my vision down to my phone which is on my lap. I try to cover up my embarrassment with a "tsk". She is still staring at me. I can feel it. I look up at her again making eye contact

"what the hell you looking at round face ?" I say with frowned brows trying to play off that I was eyeing her boyfriend

She just looked me up and down and continued to talk to Deku.


All the extras were talking and I was on my phone. Then all of a sudden one of them spoke

"So Deku,Ochako" said Ponytail with her head on her hand and a seductive look on her face "you guys made up pretty quick and I wanted to know, is deku a biter?"

The room went completely silent and their faces were incredibly red. Deku looked down to his lap while Round face tried to explain to them that nothing happened. I couldn't listen to this. The thought of it made me furious and i didnt want people to wonder why i had a sudden fit of rage so i got up and speed walked to the bathroom. I just stood there. In the middle of the room thinking about it and thinking about Deku. Deku. I think i've subconsciously accepted it. There is no way in hell I would be able to say it to anyone or myself. The g word. Its weird to think about how I only acknowledge it now. I miss looking at him. Ive been here for about 10 minutes. Everyone should have gones to their rooms by now. I should probably go. As if on cue, someone walks in. Of all people.....

~Deku's POV~ 

Everyone was cleaning up breakfast and heading back to their dorms. Kacchan has been in the bathroom for a while now. I should go check on him. But what if he is pooping? What if he needs help? Before I know it, my legs have taken me to the bathroom door. Guess im going in. 

"Kacchan?" I said quietly "Are you pooping?"

I see him just standing there in the middle of the bathroom. He looks at me shocked

~Bakugou's POV~ 

I smirked at him

"No im not taking a shit" I respond

He blushed after thinking about what he said. God damn it. 

"are you okay? I-I saw you walk off during b-breakfast and you have been in here for a while. I wanted to make sure you w-were okay..."

I couldnt help but blush...again. I didnt answer i just stared. I feel so weird and different around him. I got up and walked to him. We starred at each other for a bitch while I debated what to do. I just hugged him. He was confused, but eventually he hugged back out of confusion.

 I whispered in his ear, "I remember and I mean everything I said last night".

I walked out of the bathroom and he just stood there in shock. I hastily walked to my dorm before he could come and talk to me.

~Deku's POV~

I stand in the bathroom in shock of the news I have received. I dont know what to do. I dont know what to say. Im frozen as he walked away. Come on dammit say something! But nothing came out. I can still feel the warmth of his embrace on my body. I want to do it again. But what about Ochako? Im still dating her but...I dont know.


YAY ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE!! I had a really fun time making this and its longer then the one before! THINGS ARE STARTING TO GET REAAALLLLLL! See you guys tomorrow! Or later today if i really wanna make another one. :D

word count- 703

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