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Mina's POV

It's been two days since that incident in the café, but I still can't get over it.

"Hey, your food is getting cold." I snapped back when Momo started talking.

"You still can't move on from that eye contact thing, right?" Momo smirked.

"Do you think we still have a chance?" I asked her.

"Personally, I think, yes. I believe in the quote, "First love never dies" and we all know that you are Chaeyoung's first love, right?"

"But what if that quote isn't applicable for us?" I started to eat my Ramen.

"Why'd you said that? Do you think she'll ask you out to a coffee date when she don't like you already?" Momo said.

"Hey, it's not a coffee date. Her girlfriend was there." I ate again.

"Whatever. That eye contact won't happen if she don't like you already." Momo ate more of her Ramen.

"But what if it was just a coincidence?" I looked at her.

She stopped eating then looked at me.

"Just stop thinking negatively. Look on the bright side." Momo continued eating.

I just rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"By the way, we're running out of food. Can you please buy some for us." Momo started to do puppy eyes. This bitch.

"Ugh. Fine."

3rd Person POV

"Yeah, I'm going back now. I've finished buying some foods." Mina said to Momo through the phone.

"Okay, have a safe ride." Momo said then Mina hung up the call.

Mina was walking back home when someone called her.

"Mina!" Mina looked back to see if who was it then she saw Somi.

"Shit." Mina mumbled to herself.

"Hi, Somi." Mina greeted her as she walks towards her.

"Come, join us." Somi invited her to join them in the Karaoke.

"Ah... no thanks. My friend—"

"You'll join us, whether you like it or nah." Somi pulled Mina inside the Karaoke bar then she saw Chaeyoung singing.

Chaeyoung stopped singing when she saw Mina. Their eyes met again, then Chaeyoung continued singing again while still looking at her. It was the last chorus already.

"Take me out, and take me home~"

"You're my, my, my, my~"

"Oh, you're my, my, my, my~"

"Darling, you're my, my, my, my~"


Mina can feel her heart beating so much that it could jump out of her chest.

Somi just looked at them. The three of them was quiet, but a few moments later, Somi started to talk.

"A-ah... Mina, let's sit." Mina and Somi walked towards Chaeyoung. Now, Mina is sitting in front of the two of them.

"Hey, Mina..." Somi called her.


"Can you please sing for us?"

Chaeyoung's POV

"Can you please sing for us?" Somi said.

"Sorry, but—"

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