Maybe I'm in Love

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Warnings: Blood. Reader getting hurt. Slight angst but happy ending.


You nonchalantly walked through the body as you hummed your favorite song and swung your arms from side to side. It was a quiet, peaceful day and you could feel it in the atmosphere. Cells were happily talking to each other as they carried out their duties, nobody was running and screaming-

"Bacteria!" a red blood cell's panicked voice broke the calm atmosphere as he ran in your direction, causing the other cells to scream and to start running in the same direction as him. Looks like you spoke too soon.

You didn't need to be told twice. You pulled your pink cap down more securely before you took off running in the direction of where the cell came from. "Is it back there?" you asked and pointed ahead of you as you approached the cell who screamed.

He nodded as the two of you sped past each other. Him with a look of pure terror and you with your eyes fierce with determination. You knew you arrived when you saw rubble and a grotesque creature laughing maniacally, "what a wonderful place this body is."

You noticed some cells standing frozen at the sight, "get out of here!" you commanded as you ran towards them, in case any of them were hurt. That seemed to snap them out of their reverie as they let out petrified yells while they ran away.

There was a whizzing sound and you used your sasumata to deflect the barb aimed towards the cells. You frowned as you looked at the bacteria smiling smugly at you, "you're just a little eosinophil, aren't you?" he crooned.

You tightened your hold on your sasumata as you faced off with the creature, "what is your point?" you tried to stall for time, enough for a neutrophil to arrive and finish him off. You knew you could hardly do anything against him, but keeping him away from the other cells would be the best you could do.

"Today must be my lucky day!" he howled in delight as he cackled with laughter, your (e/c) eyes darted around as you looked for any more cells in the area frozen in fear, and much to your chagrin, many seemed to have forgotten how to use their legs. He was too busy laughing to notice you start to move and you were halfway towards him before there was another shing and you barely dodged a barb aimed to kill. His laughter turned into a frown, "I'm gonna kill you!" he shouted and you frantically used your sasumata as a shield against the barrage of barbs coming at you.

"Get out of here!" you shouted to the cells across the area who were watching the entire scene play out with wide eyes. That got their attention and they started to move, but that also got the bacteria's attention as he spun around and shot his barbs in their direction, "hey ugly!" you leapt up and tried to stab his head but your sasumata bounced off uselessly. It worked though, as he was distracted enough to let his barbs falter and the cells were able to get safely away.

"Trying to play the hero, are we?" he crooned as he pulled himself up to his full height and towered over you.

You gulped as you held your sasumata close to you and tried to keep your knees from shaking, "trying to play the villain, are we?" you mentally slapped yourself. That was a dumb comeback.

"Trying?" the bacteria leaned back in laughter, "honey, I am the villain!" his barbs rose up around him as he laughed maniacally, "and I'm going to take over this body!" there was a slash and blood spurted out from him as he fell to the ground. Dead.

You let out a sigh of relief and waited a moment for your knees to stop knocking against each other. Once you got your cool back, you smirked and kicked the corpse, "some villain." You turned to the neutrophil who had come to your aid and gave a bow, "thank you for your help!"

Maybe I'm in Love || White Blood Cell (U-1146) x Gender Neutral! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now