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These stories are cultivation of my own mind, yet feel like a memory of distant times and I enjoy recalling them. Each character shares a special bondage with me as if they are my family; arrogant, passionate, kind, lively and lovely. Each of them is special and has a story to share with you readers if you are willing to listen them like a close friend.
The story has five characters on whole, each of them is a representation of a specific group of our society. These stories are symbolization of various ongoing things around us, inside us and if you don't get the concept or can't relate, it's okay you've still got story to read, to tell and to enjoy.
This story is not like other stories you've gone through or love to read, they are mere series of stories about emotions I've put my heart to. Besides, not every story or should I say most of them have happy ending but isn't it right to put the things the way they are? Or should we cloak them instead just for our joy's sake?
Each time I came across with these stories, i found an urge to tell them to others so I gathered my courage as a narrator to tell you these strange tales, "Tales Of Dead". I hope readers will get the same joy by reading, I got by writing.

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