Mourning Birds

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Oliver and Rebecca eagerly waited for the letter having another breathtaking story from Lady Sera. Why those two were so significant? the time will disclose.
      Anyways, the letter came with its usual envelope and paper inside.
"What's the title of the story?" Rebecca asked. She was doing dishes.
"Mourning Birds" Oliver read from letter.
"It's going to be interesting, wait for me. I'm coming in a moment." Her hands were now moving with much more speed.
       When she was finally done with her chores, Oliver handed her cup of herbal tea to reduce her weariness. She sat on her bed while Oliver on his. Holding her mug she was kneeling listen.
"Good day sister, hope you enjoyed the weekend..." Oliver real out loud.
"Skip this part, it saddens me that how Lady Maria never read her regards." Rebecca said uneasily.
"So sayeth the Lady!" He smiled "so let us read the story then."
"Oliver! Will she never read her letters? Will she never send lady Sera, letter to ask how is she?"She was holding her mug tightly.
There was a moment's silence.
"We should begin the story shall we?" Oliver asked
"Permission granted"
"So it reads, Far away in a place where I am right now, came across with a tale, buried in the lump of logical and scientific books, in love tales and in biographies people love to read. May you get to see what I did.
       There used to be a king in a kingdom so prosperous. There was an incredible thing in the possession of king, what was it? Some said it was his crown, Purely of gold - decorated with gems and diamonds, some said it was his throne -comfortable and jeweled, some said it was his castle - luxurious and enormous or maybe the feeling of governance but little did they know, the most incredible thing king possess was a group of "Seven" royal men, noble by birth and kind by heart.
       They were known as "Mourning Birds". Their task was very unusual. They had to investigate any injustice happened in the kingdom and had to mourn at the gate of evil doer for the wronged one until he turn himself in and apologize for his evil doings, whether for the sake for his pride or for his conscience to calm down - and if he won't do as expected, there was king's command to serve him according to his deed.
      The Seven terminated evil from the kingdom but never they turned blind eye on kingdom even after that. But, as every other man they had got people, envious of their status and the authorities given to them. One of them who has got most important part in our story was the king's official advisor.
       The advisor was so furious over the fact that king occasionally asked for his advice. As his work was too less so did his income, without handful of fortunes which were always served  to "Those Seven" for their great work. Always looking for a perfect opportunity to dismiss them from their prestigious position, on his lucky day he found one.
         A prince came as captive of war in their kingdom. The prince was only fifteen, parents died, kingdom was taken over by king. The Seven suggested to let the prince live and make him governor of his own land when he turn eighteen. On other hand the advisor was persistent that this prince will cause treason afterwards. Advisor surely had got point there for the king had killed his father and now he had audacity to supervise him, he had every rightful  reason to turn against them. The king's desire to kill the prince made the advisor even bold.
He kept saying" you must kill him or else he will!" Leaving great influence on king. He kept encouraging king to do so.
      While on other hand "The Seven" were trying to persuade the king that they will take good care of the young prince and that his life is precious too besides they will make sure he would become a good and considerate man and would grow up being grateful for sparing his life. Even with such promising words from such trusted people they couldn't persuade the king, for his fear was rather greater, disabling his vision to see what's beyond.
       The advisor hatched plot against the young prince which served as a final nail in coffin as king killed him without investigating the matter, for his fear of loosing throne made him fool. The seven mourn over his death and protested against king in royal court which gave the advisor golden opportunity of killing two birds from single stone.
He said "You are loyal and noble men of king, you must stand beside him whatever he do so common people could trust him and here you are accusing him that he did wrong. Thousands of curses on your nobility. You all  should be beheaded right now!"
The king, who was  so caught up in his fear, rage and was feeling insecure, considered advisor as his sincere and loyal man, he drew his sword and in rage slitted their throats.
     Everybody thought they would witness the treason of  "The loyal Seven" and they would fight back in attempt of saving their lives but neither of them did so, they died like obedient servants and here, according  to the tale, they turned into seven beautiful birds that none of the king's men had seen before, they gave out a bizarre cry, they flew in circle over the king's head and then out of the highest window of castle. Everybody could hear a strange lamentation in their voice until they were out of sight and their voices faded.
      Not even a year had passed the country was totally out of order. Everyone had heard about the deaths of "The Seven" which meant they were free to do whatever and they knew none of the king's man is interested in state's affairs, all they wanted was power and assets. Those who were sincere tried to restore the order but brutally killed by masses and now the king was all alone. And for the advisor who desired even more, dethroned the king saying he is not eligible for the post without "The Seven" so, he is being exiled but his life will be spared for nobody consider him as a threat. So, that's how the king was being exiled from the kingdom he once ruled with all his grace. Now the king was "the advisor". The king knew his mistake, he had realized it as soon as he had done the damage but nothing can turn the clock.
      People say they had seen a man wandering in the plains. People described he had messy hair, dressed in rugs. You can often see him telling others the tale of "Mourning Birds" and about how a king end up being a wanderer.
      Its a tale too that those birds are still alive and they still mourn on wrong and evil but now their mourning is considered as the call for a mate. The end."  Oliver skip the last part and folded the letter.
"Our greetings?" Rebecca inquired.
"Oh yes, there are but isn't it understood? Do I have to repeat them each time?"
"You are obliged to!" She spoke with the hint of pride.
"Okay but maybe next time. I'm tired now." Saying this he lay down.
Rebecca stood up, she needed to wash the cups.
"Oliver!" She called.
"Hmm?" He replied with his eyes closed.
"Why people realize things after the damage has done?" She was staring blankly out of the window, eyes fixed on starry sky. "but what their realizations were to them, mere cause of regrets? They end up blaming themselves but too prideful to admit everything in front of others, secretly weaving sorrows. When our ego will die Oliver! So that we can breathe?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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