🎀 Special Episode 🎀

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"Papa papa.. I'm bored!", his daughter whined.

Of course she will be bored. She is used to play with Mobile phones and Laptops all the day..

How can she sit on the terrace of their house, just to see stars?

"Look those stars! See I found a triangle there!", he connected them with his finger.

She giggled and connected four stars.. "It's diamond!"

He smiled and looked at them, while his mind is drowning in his childhood memories.

"Papa..!! I'm boreddd!", She whined again. Bringing her up is a bad idea, he thought.

"Look at the moon! Can you see the rabbit in it?", he spoke excitedly.

"Rabbit? Where? No.. I see a mom with her baby there", she spoke.

"No no no no no... I see it now.. A rabbit!", She squealed in joy which made him happy.

"I'm boreddd", She whined after a minute again. Kids, he sighed.

He got a girlfriend while he is a bts member and he got her pregnant then..

He took a decision to marry her without quitting being an idol. He was supported by many ARMY, and was criticised by more.

He didn't care about them, true ARMY will support him no matter what. His career got more successful, but it made him so busy that he can't spend his time with his family anymore.

So he quit being an idol and started producing songs under the same label.

He don't earn as much as he used to, but he is happy and that's what matters..

Bts is still a successful band and he meet them daily,just not as one of them.

They are very happy for him though.. He felt complete.

But what brought him to the terrace is the video they played yesterday evening.

It's about the trainee days and days of being the part of Bts. He felt like crying, but he should be happy.. He's happy now. He's complete now.

He got out of his trance by the ring of his phone. His wife.

"Have you kidnapped my daughter? Where the hell are you?"

"Haha.. So lame",he spoke and She laughed contagiously.

"It's time for her dinner. Bring her to home", She spoke.

"No.. Bring the food upstairs", he spoke.

"What? Upstairs?? Why didn't you call me in the first place??", she spoke and hanged the call immediately.

She immediately climbed up the stairs and walked with a set of pillows and some food to all of them.

"Let me help you", he ran towards her and grabbed the pillows which she is struggling to carry.

"I miss hearing stories from my grandma on the terrace on every vacation holidays", She sighed and smiled.

"Stories? Yayy, I want to hear a story!", his daughter jumped in excitement..

"Umm.. I forgot them baby.. I'll tell you next time. Eat first, hmmm?", she babied her.

"Noooo .. I'll eat when I hear a story", She spoke and whined again.

"I'll tell you a story... If you start eating", he took her onto his lap.

"Okay", his wife started feeding her baby.

"Once upon a time, a koala wanted to spread love by singing for everyone.

He sang and a cat came towards him,
"Sing it in this way", he helped him sing better.

"Hey will you join me singing?", Koala spoke and he nodded.

They started singing, "Hey! You are singing so well..!", a horse who is passing by, stopped and laughed in amusement.

"Well, you can sing too. Try it?", cat spoke to him and he sang with embarrassment.

"Look how good you are!", Koala joined him in his group.

"I will bring fame to your group with my handsome face", An alpaca walked to them and spoke.

"Sing once for us", he sang and they nodded in satisfaction. He joined the group and they started walking along the road and singing.

They saw a bunny singing for a competition and got rejected. They found bunny's voice beautiful. He walked upto them and spoke, "I love your songs! Can I join you?", they happily agreed.

While they are walking on the way, a shy puppy asked them, "May I join you guys?", they nodded unsurely.

A tiger came to them and asked to let him join. They found him weird because he's not how a tiger is described, but they are happy to have a tiger join them.

"Singing is for kukoos and dance is for peacock. Who are you guys, singing with your stupid voices and dancing with your stupid bodies?", They laughed and mocked them all the way.

"Look! There's a mountain there. If we climb up the mountain, everyone will listen to us!", the Koala spoke and inspite of all the difficulties, they started climbing it.

As they go higher, they got difficulty in breathing. They almost wanted to give up once, but they patted each other backs and finally climbed it.

Everyone cheered for them and they started spreading love to everyone. ", he ended the story to see the girl already finished eating and slept.

" Is it that boring? ", he laughed sheepishly and his wife nodded.

" It is.. To kids.. ", She smiled," It's your story, isn't it? "

He nodded and placed her gently on the bed he carried to the terrace before.

He covered her with blanket and kissed her on forehead.

" Shall we eat now?", she asked and he spoke in a baby tone.

" Feed me mom!",She laughed and fed him. She finished her dinner too while he's looking at the stars on the bed.

"I'm done", She arranged the dishes aside.

"Come here", he patted the side of his bed.

She pulled his arm as a pillow and side hugged him..

"This feels so good. I miss the stars, moon and a night like this", they spoke and spoke till late.

"Let's sleep now", he spoke and she hugged him.

"I can't sleep dad. Sing me a lullaby", She spoke in a baby tone and his body is shaking from his laugh.

"Alright", he started singing and she slept on his chest and in the middle of his song, he fell asleep too.

And here's an extra chapter which I got inspired by different things.
I feel nostalgic right now and in this way, I expressed it.

And I wish Chen to be happy and contended.

💜 Thank you! 💜

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