CHAPTER 2: The University

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While looking for my room i saw this nerdy girl look also looking for the same section so i approach her.

Me: HI! Are you a new student? I'm Lia btw what's yours?
Lei: I'm Lei a g12 student and yes i'm also new here at Brainly University actually i'm looking for 12STEM C section do you know where it is?
Me: well actually we are looking for the same section let's go ask the janitor where it is.
Me: excuse me sir? Do you know where 12STEM C is?
Janitor: Go to the 4th floor at the left side you would see a glass door then that's it!

We we're really tired but atleast we are already inside the classroom i was wondering who would be my friend's and who would be my enemies. Then a Gay approached me and sat beside me i looked at his chest to observe if he is also a pre OP trans like me but he wasn't.

Jai: Ohh Hello girl!!! I'm Jester Mark Roland but i prefer to be called "Jai" proud Gay!!!! I studied here since last year Mwuahh!!!
Me: Well I'm Lia proud Pre Op transgender!
Jai: Seriously? Your gorgeous girl a straight guy would think twice when they saw you HAHAHA!!!
Me: Well a lot of people told me that but still a lot of people disagree so its hard for me to believe sometimes to those compliments but thanks though!!

I see Jai as a jolly person who would really make me laugh all the time then eventually a group of guys went inside our classroom they all look handsome but at the same they look like badboys.

Jai: ARGHHH!!! There they go again those guys that always messes up with other students WELL GIRLS!!! Lemme introduce these B*tches the guy that has a pointy nose,white skin brown hair with a black bracelet is the most badass he's name is Hermes Edwardson the guy next to him is Lester Wilson the 3rd guy is Peter Andrews. They are a group of bullies so girls don't be decieve by their charms OK!!!
Lei: But girls TBH their looks made me trembled and blush so much!!!
Me: Hmmm well this proves that there are people that has the gifts of physical appearance but doesn't have the right attitudes to conduct.

A moment later the teacher went inside so since its the first day of school almost all the teachers just made us introduce ourselves. It was already breaktime so i went to Mimi's classroom to pick her up to spend the recess with me and my new friends, i introduced Jai and Lei to her. While were sitting we saw Hermes's group aka the BADBOYS we saw students quiet as they walk as if they were scared of them well of course i was also kinda scared until they approached our table.

Hermes: So isn't it the new student the transgender hmm... well your not beautiful this way, me seeing you makes me wanna puke HAHA!!

Then of course all of his friends laugh and i felt so ashamed but its fine I've encountered a lot of Discriminations so why would i mind him right? And my sister and friend's are there to support me for who i am.

It was already dismissal my mom invited my friends to have some lunch outside for a celebration for the 1st day of school i introduced my friends to my mom before i went to the CR.

Me: So ma! this is Jai and Lei they are my seatmates they would really make you laugh all day i swear!! HAHA btw i gotta.go to the restroom you should go order some foods already.
Mom: So how's 1st day girls for sure you looked for handsome boys right?? HAHA btw you could just just call me Mom its much better.
Jai: well!! mom it was a good day we all enjoyed. The teachers just let us introduced ourselves.
Lei: then the remaining time is they just let us get together to know our classmates better
Mom: Guys please take care of Lia ok??
Jai: uhmm why? Is there any problem?
Mimi: 2 years ago before she enter transitioning. In our pasts school Lia had her 1st mutual relationship with a guy she was really happy that time. Almost everyday she would tell me how good their relationship is i could see it in her eyes how happy she is. She would do everything for that guy they would do assignments together they would also eat outside as if they are really in a relationship the guy made her so special treated her as if she was born biologically female and then Lia went inside the girls restroom and caught the guy flirting and kissing someone well...they forgot to lock the door Lia uses the girls restroom because she feels more comfortable she told me she cried to the cubicle next to where their kissing she cried silently and i could feel her pain while telling this story that's why she entered the world of transitioning not because she wanted to have revenge its because she wanted to change herself to forget about everything that happened.
Me: HEY!!! So what are you talking about hmmm?
Lei: nothing sis we were just talking about the food and what are the ingredients HEHE its good sis you should eat now.
Mom: btw Jai and Lei can i have your facebook and your phone no. Just incase someone would go home late am i right Lia!!!?
Me: mom!! That was a long time ago i just tried to have some drink
Mom: oh yeah and you went home 1:00 at midnight and you were drunk.

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