CHAPTER 4: Battlefield

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It was a friday morning and i was heading down to have breakfast with mimi but surprisingly Hermes was downstairs with mom and Mimi i could see them putting Hermes into a hotseat so i rushed to go to them and changed the topic after we had our breakfast we went to school. We were inside the classroom and the sports club announced that there will be an upcoming intramurals and asked us what sport will we join Hermes's gang joined basketball while me and my friends joined the volleyball everyone was so excited about it and it will already be held next thursday so we have to train but it was a good thing that me and Jai were former volleyball players.

Since we have 1hr and 30 mins. break today  we decided to go to the dessert restaurant near the university it was only me and Jai we were waiting for Mimi,Lei and Yuki i also received a message from Hermes that he and his friends would follow so Jai was in the counter ordering food then at a distance i saw Athena and her friends they were heading towards me i pretended that i was using my phone but she tapped my back.

Me: yes do you need anything?
Athena: well....I'm waiting for Hermes 'coz were planning to spend the recess together.
Me: Why won't you guys have a sit while waiting.

A moment later Jai went back to our table with our orders i saw Athena and the way she looks at Jai was so disgust i was keeping myself calm as possible after a few mins. Mimi and Lei came they were with Hermes and his gang.

Me: Ohh Hi!!! Guys come sit with us.
Athena: Hi Hermes come sit with me.
Me: yah! Hermes you should sit with her she was waiting for you.
Hermes: uhmm....sure ok.

Jai was distributing our orders then he accidentally spilled the frappe to Martina(Athena's friend) she was so pissed to the point that she crossed the line and speak hurtful words to Jai.

Martina: this is bullshit girl!!! Can't you hand me my drink properly? Or you're just this stupid gay fucking around you know! at first i thought that the only problem you have is your face and now i think stupidity is an addition!!!
Jai: HEY!! First of all your not that close to tell this hurtful words.
Athena: well maybe its true that your friend is stupid.
Jai: and maybe that's why you 3 are BFF's because you have the same atrocious attitude!

Then Martina was so fired up she grabbed Athena's cake and threw it to Jai's face so i grabbed Mimi's milk tea and threw it to the 3 of them. Then Lester was already stopping them and escorted them outside the cafe, it was so painful seeing your friend teared up and being discriminated 'coz i also know how it feels to be discriminated because of physical appearance. Then we headed back to the university to help Jai change his clothes.

Me: Hey don't mind what they said ok? You're gorgeous than you thought.
Jai: it was just so painful to hear those words. I felt weak when those words sync in to me.
Me: i know how it feels ok but you think they're beautiful? Well no! With that attitude? Their beauty may blind people of what they really are, but you? You are real your attitude is true and that makes you Beautiful!

While me and Jai were heading back to the classroom we saw Athena walking then Hermes came from the other side of the hallway when Athena saw him she pretended that she stumbled after that Hermes noticed her and brought her to the university clinic.

While i was with Hermes in his condo i wasn't talking to him since the time i saw him worried about Athena's pretention he keeps on asking me what's my problem so when he was about to sit beside me in the sofa i avoided him and went to the kitchen as usual he followed me that's how annoying he is.

Hermes: hey are we good? What's you problem baby.
Me: you were with Athena huh? You were with her at the clinic right?
Hermes: yah 'coz i saw her stumbled while walking...wait are you being jealous right now? Is that why you haven't talked to me.
Me: obviously i'm being jealous although were not officially together yet.
Hermes: Hmmmm! My baby's jealous come here.

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