Real life🌸

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Cami's POV

Today was comic con and I couldn't be more exited. Even tho I know there is gonna be a lot of questions about my boyfriend😉
But I don't mind being a little tease.

We sat on the plane and were just about to land. Kj sat to my left and Lili to my right so I had great company the hours we sat there.

At the hotel
"Okay so this is how you are going to sleep" Roberto said.
"Lili, Cami and Madeleine in one room, and Cole and Kj in one room"
We all nodded and went to our rooms.

When we had unpacked Madeleine and Lili draged me to the couch and just stared at me.


Madeleine:"You know what we want, just please tell us"

Cami:"I'm not telling you guys, you will just have to wait."

We all went to bed early that night so we wouldn't be so tired tomorrow.

The next day
I was getting ready for the panel now and my stylist is currently doing my hair.
It was about 1 hour left til the panel would start.
This is Cami's outfit:

In the panelWe talked about what was going to happen on riverdale and what was going to happen with varchie and bughead

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In the panel
We talked about what was going to happen on riverdale and what was going to happen with varchie and bughead.
Then we got to the questions were the public can ask what they want.

"Camila I think we all wonder this, so I'm gonna ask for everybody now, who is your boyfriend, or can you at least tease a little about like hair color, give us the first letter in his name maybe, you know" a girl asked.

Everybody looked at me and I just smiled.

"Just fucking tell us Cami" Madeleine said and everybody laughed.

"Umm, I don't think there is much that I can say without explosing to much but..."

I couldn't say more until Lili asked:

"Is he here today"

And I just smiled and said:

"He may be in this room right now, yes"

Everybody screamed and Lili, Madeleine and Cole had there mouths formed as an O.
I just laughed til Cole said:

"Actually I may have a guess on who this boy is"
He said and took a sip of his water.
Everybody in the public screamed "who".

"I'm not gonna say because that wouldn't be fair to Cami, but I think I know where this boy is in this room, and I think he is pretty close."

The girl that asked questions for the panel said:
"What color is his hair?"

"Okay I'm gonna give you guys this one." I said.

"His hair color is......brown"

Everyone frowned.
The girl who asked the question said:
"I think everyone in here was hoping it would be Kj, but I guess we just have go keep guessing ahaha"

"Okay now I don't know who it is" Cole said.

"Wait you thought it was Kj?" I asked.

"Yeah I did but not anymore because he has red hair" Cole said.

"Kj why are you so quiet, don't you wanna know who Cami's boyfriend is?" Lili asked.

Kj:"Actually I already think I know"

He looked at me.

Cami:"You do?"
Kj:"Yeah I'm pretty sure aye"
Cami:"Whisper to me who you think it is"

*Kj whisper in Cami's ear*

I smiled so hard and the public was quiet, you could hear every breath in the room.

Cami:"Wow Kj you gussed right haha"
Cole:"What are you waiting for Kj tell us"
Kj:"I think Cami is the one that have to say it, It's her boyfriend"
Cami:"Okay I guess I can't wait anymore. I'm gonna give you guys some cules okay?"

Everyone cheered!!!

Cami:"Okay so he has brown hair like I said, and he is like, 6 foot I think, and he has de most adorable smile, his jaw line is just as sharp as a knife. His accent......."

I couldn't say more because the crowd started scream because they probably know who it is.

Cami:"His accent is so sexy that everytime he speak my heart melt, he may have dyed his hair red, and he may come from New Zeeland and he may be sitting next to me"

The crowd stood up and cheered and Lili, Cole and Madeleine just sat and looked at me and Kj with their mouths like an O.
I looked into Kj's eyes and he looked into mine, we both smiled so hard.
We leaned in and kissed.
The crowd cheered even more.
The kiss got a little to heated and we had to pull away from each other.

After the panel
Me, Kj and the others went out to ett and just have fun.
Lili:"So Cami and Kj, I had no idea. You two are beautiful together"
Madeleine:"I totally agree with Lili"
Cole:"I agree with Lili and Mads, You are cute together"

The night went on and we decided that Cole would sleep with Lili and Mads and I would sleep with Kj.
Let's just say we didn't sleep much that night.😉

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