Chapter 13: Going Home

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Their first stop the next day was a local clothing vendor Helena recommended. While the Inn was providing water and whatnot for washing, everyone except Mercy was quite tired of wearing the clothes they had on. True to her word, Helena helped them haggle, using the story about the fire as the impetus for extra low prices and even some free hand-me-downs.

After lunch and a much appreciated change of clothing, they headed to the Magistrate's office to find out what property was for sale.

"I didn't expect to have you move into town so soon, Dadus!" the Magistrate exclaimed, coming around his desk to shake hands.

"Well, Charles, I wouldn't be moving now except my home has burnt to the ground," Dadus explained with a strained voice.

"To be honest, Sir," Matt said a scowl on his face and venom in his words, "it was arson, and we suspect a certain unhappy mother, but we have no proof."

The Magistrate placed a hand on his old friend's shoulder, "I am so sorry, Dadus. You've lived in that house since you were a boy. It must be hard for you."

Dadus took in a deep breath and sighed. "Aye. It's hitting me more now than it has been. Today, I am thinking about all the memories... all my mother's things... all my books and maps... they're gone." He mopped his face with a handkerchief.

"Well, it's a good thing you grabbed your coin before escaping."

"Yes, a splendid thing indeed," Dadus agreed, not explaining about his mother.

"I can help you spend some of that money, if you're ready to look at a few homes that are for sale. I'll take you around myself."

"That would be kind of you, Charles," Dadus said, nodding.

There were three places to look at, but only one of them had a yard the size that Dadus wanted for a garden. The Magistrate introduced Dadus to the owners and they haggled on a price. Once in agreement, the parties exchanged money and they set the terms of the family to vacate.

The four young people left Dadus in Johanna's care the following morning as they left on the journey to the pods. It took them a full day to reach them. Matt and Helena would camp for the evening, then return the next dawn.

Matt and Lance thumped each other on the back. They said little, but communicated much, in that way that twins have. Helena gave Mercy a shy hug, then Matt bear hugged her. "Bring Jasmine back with you, right?"

Mercy beamed at the thought of seeing her love again. "Yes! Of course!"

"Are you ready?" Lance asked, standing beside his pod.

"As I'll ever be," Mercy replied and clamored into hers. As soon as she did, the lid closed and she experienced the same wild ride that she had before. After the final bump, the geode opened and they found themselves in the Tome's chamber once more.

The candles were once again lit, still stalwart and bright once more, and the way out was clear. It took very little time to exit the great tree. Finally, in the dark of the night, they came to the small candle-lit temple.

The Priestess was there to meet them. "Have you completed your quest, Mercy?" she asked.

Mercy scowled. "Well, I figure you already know that I haven't."

The Priestess chuckled. "On that, you are correct. You still have time, though," she said, nodding to the satchel of stardust bobbins and moonlight dress Mercy had slung across a shoulder. "Now, come in; let me feed you and you can stay for the night."

Once fed, the two of them turned in, Mercy taking the room on the right. She fell asleep quickly. It was a surprise when the Priestess called out her name, asking her if she wanted breakfast.

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