Chapter XXXIII: Home Sweet Home

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 By the time the Hogwarts Express reached platform nine and three-quarters, several of those in the group decided to follow Daphne's example and fell asleep during the transition from Scotland countryside to London cityscape.

Hannah, having talked and laughed for nearly two hours eventually ended up falling asleep on her best friend's shoulder, her energy spent. Surprisingly, Susan, wasn't asleep, but did not seem to mind the blond pig-tailed girl using her as a pillow. Harry figured she must be used to the her friend's antics.

On Susan's right, Terry had also decided to get some shut eye. He leaned against the wall, his mouth hanging part way open, snoring. Thankfully, it wasn't very loud, so no one was actually bothered by the sound.

On the other side of the compartment, Tracey Davis slept like a log, or a rock. Much like her friend Daphne she, too, was leaning against the wall. Also much like her friend, she appeared so much more peaceful when sleeping. Or at least, that was Harry's perception of her. It may have had something to do with the fact that she wasn't talking anymore. The girl was very boisterous when awake.

The others had managed to stay awake for the whole train ride. Lisa had pulled out a book on the history of an ancient group of witches and wizards that used to live in Samaria. Much like the raven-haired girl, Hermione also decided to do some reading. The large tome she perused through let him know her choice in reading material was Hogwarts, A History. Next to her, Blaise and Neville were having a quiet conversation with each other, something about plants and potions.

For his part, Harry took to reading Self-Defense Spellwork, a book containing a list of spells used in self-defense, both of the offensive and defensive variety. Most of the spells listed were moderately difficult, such as the Protego, a shield charm that created a magical barrier that could block both physical entities and spells.

Personally, Harry didn't see himself using the Protego very much. It just didn't fit his style. But it would probably be good to learn nonetheless, if for no other reason than he may end up needing to protect someone else with it in the future.

Harry felt the train finally slow to a stop. Turning a little to look at Daphne, he canceled the Silencing Charm around her, and began carefully shaking her awake.

“Daphne. Daphne. We're here.”

The blond pureblood stirred. An almost inaudible groan escaped her lips as startling blue eyes blinked open. She looked around the compartment, her icy irises appearing just a tad groggy, before they settled on him.

“Are we there already?”

Harry's lips twitched into a small, amused smile.

“Already? Daphne, you've been asleep for five hours.”

“Oh can it, Potter.”

Directly opposite Daphne, the now awake Tracey Davis tiredly snickered at her friend, which ended with her receiving a small glare from the now fully awake blond.

“You too, Tracey.”

“Is it just me,” started Hannah as she stretched her hands above her head and yawned loudly, “or do these short naps just make you more tired than you were before falling asleep.”

“I think it may just be you,” Tracey teased with a smile, though she seemed even groggier than the other two. “And Daphne.” Her friend rolled her eyes. “Personally, I feel great.”

“Liar,” Daphne said. She seemed more alert now that she'd had time to regain her bearings. “Tracey's always had a problem getting up. I often have to shove her off her bed just to make her wake up. If it weren't for me, she would probably sleep until noon.”

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