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"So are you gonna ignore me forever or.." Jungkook started as he stared at Jimin who was too busy on his phone. The blonde didn't even spare him a glance and rolled over to the other side sighing.

After the long and dreadful car ride to the airport back to Korea the couple finally arrived at their private shared apartment. Ever since they arrived neither of the two spoke to one another which ultimately took a toll on the younger, but he never tried expressing it to the older thinking he'll just bother him

"Baby.." No answer

"Babe" No answer again

"Jimin" Still no answer

"Hyung..please" You could here the desperation in the raven's voice and Jimin can't say that it didn't break his heart a little so he clicked his tongue and sat up facing Jungkook. He knew just how serious he was because the younger never really addressed him with respect if the situation didn't call for a serious atmosphere.

"What is it Jungkook" He wanted to get this over with. He knew exactly what they were gonna talk about and where the conversation would take them to. He knew that both of them would get hurt, but he knew deep inside him that this was the right thing to do. Jimin was selfish, but he wasn't selfish enough to risk the band, their career, and the member's reputation they built up for many years. He had to make this sacrifice and since he was the older one, he'll take the responsibility.

"Why're you being like this?" Jungkook boldly asked as he felt his heart clench in pain seeing Jimin roll his eyes at his question. It hurt him also, the actions he had to convey to Jungkook physically and mentally hurt him. He had to seem like he didn't care. It's for the best, Jimin thought.

"Jungkook what're you talking about?" He replied back as be turned off his phone and set it down next to him. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at this.

"You've ignored me this entire time, can you please tell me what's wrong..? It hurts me knowing that..that you're drifting farther and farther away from me" Jungkook by now had tears forming in his eyes. He willed himself to keep it in, not wanting his lover to see him this vulnerable even though they had sentimental moments before.

"Jungkook.." Jimin scooted closer to the younger as he cupped his cheek with one hand. Jungkook subconsciously leaned towards the warmth of Jimin's touch.

"I love you...so so much you don't understand what ends I'd meet for you. You make me smile, make me happy, and most importantly you make me feel loved and cared" Jungkook couldn't hold it as tears started cascading down his cheeks. Crying silently to himself as he continued to listen to the blonde knowing where this was going to.

"But you know..we can't—"

"Don't" The tone of his voice lowered. He took Jimin's hand and held it tightly almost making the smaller wince in pain.

"I know what you're gonna say..."


"And I don't want you to say it...do you hear me? I can't lose you Jimin..please" Jimin choked on the tears that were falling down his cheeks too. He looked down feeling small droplets of water on his pajamas.

"W-Why are you making this so hard for me to break up with y-" A soft kiss interrupted Jimin with wide eyes.

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